Friday, September 12, 2008


That is what this post will certainly injustice to the things we've been doing since I last posted on Ella's frist day of preschool. I feel as if I've done a disservice to those of you who comit to following our activities via this medium, even if there are only a small handful of you. For that I apologize. But alas, we must press on.

Ella has really taken to preschool. She enjoys the teachers, sings me the songs they teach her and always has a good story to tell. She also keeps me updated on how many kids cry, how often and for how long. She seems to be quite the nurturer. Isn't terribly fond of sad kids. But the adventure has been fun. She's had a few worksheets to bring home and practice skill on which she is then allowed to return for a chance to get something from the treasure box! Such excitement. Chris has been able to take her a good few days, and was even able to do pick up once. She likes that. I try to get lunch made before pick up no matter who is bringing her home so when we get home we go straight to the table and get to talk about everything that went on. I love the stories, and I love that she's doing something new nad different, separate from me. I think we're both thriving because of it. I enjoy the time alone with Mia, or has been the case of late, with Mia nad whatever friend we have over. My little missy has become quite the reader....she oft finds a book, lugs it o mom and worms her way into my lap. Her attention span leaves something to be desired, however, as we usually only get through a page or two and she's throwing it down and going to get another. She's pretty much given up her moning nap altogether, which is fun cause we get to play and read books. She also likes very much helping me with chores. :)

We've been babysitting for a full week now. The first week was a little full, Alleyna is supposed to be here on Thursdays and then half days on Fridays but we had her this past Monday as well and until noon next Monday. We also watched Matthew on Tuesday this week, and had Addie on Wednesday so we could take her to the nursing home (more later) it's been a full week for kids...which I judge mostly by the number of sippy cups I wash. We much enjoy company and having friends around, but we're looking forward to next Tuesday and Wednesday when it's just us.

I have been approached about my willingness to coach the ninth grade girls basketball team this fall. Chris and I are currently in discussions regarding where this fits in this winter, and are checking into the length and vigorousness of the schedule, as well as the logistic possibilities for the kiddos. We're not sure yet if it sounds like a good opportunity and a lot of fun, or if maybe it's something that has come up at an inopportune time. We should have it figured out within a few days.

The half marathon training is going well. Except that I have discovered (actually Etta discovered) that I started the program a week early. So instead of two workouts and a taper left, I have one week and two workouts and a taper left. One week of stuff that I have to figure out on my own. If only I wasn't so anal I wouldn't be bothered by this. Because let's not lie, no one really cares if I do this "program" accurately or not. If I were a normal adult instead of myself I would just use it as a guide to help increase my milage and strengthen myself for the race. But since I'm not someone else I have run every bit of it exactly as it says, as if deviating will somehow be a failure.

As previously mentioned we did take the girls to the nursing home on Wednesday. It was a lot of fun and the girls were great. They are starting to really warm to the residents, many of whom are mostly unresponsive save a slight reach out to tough the girls. The girls have all taken to holding their hands, coloring wiht them, playing games wtih the residents nad even starting to talk to them a little. So far we have only done this with Addie and Lainey, but we plan to try adn make it a less inclusive activity, and hopefully one that a lot ofmoms and young kids can get involved in. I look forward to seeing how it develops.

Ella and I atteded the Wednesday night family programming at a local church that we have been attending last week. Ella in the Awana Puggles ("puggle preschool" as she likes to call it) and I in a Beth Moore Video bible study. It is something I think we both really enjoyed and will reap much from. They provide a nursery and given that it's Chris's fantasy football night we will likely be taking Miss Mia along with us. We were unable to make it this week since my dad was in town visiting on his way to work in the cities, but are hoping to make it a regular weekly occurance.

No huge plans for the weekend, we might catch a volleyball tourney tomorrow nad hopefully a chili supper wiht Cory and Meredith and the kids tomorrow evening. I have a few pictures, though I'm not sure where right now. Look back soon....maybe you'll see something.