Thursday, December 13, 2007

Not So Quiet on the Hansen Front

Ah the Holiday season! We're doing great, even if I hardly have a moment to sit down and update all my internet friends on how we're doing.

First a final report on my "day off" - So much fun, so great to see good friends. We had a great time - walked the entire Mall of America, sitting down often to watch the people busily going about their errands. I drank LOTS of coffee, relaxed for an entire 12+ hours and had a great meal with Nic and Leah - so sorry Abe wussed out....we missed you!!!I still haven't recieved the adaptor I need in order to download the film of the Christmas program, but for now here's a picture of our little sheep singing "GLORIA!" Gloria is now the song mom sings every night at bedtime. Which is great for me because the entire song, as we sing it, is: Gloria, gloria, these are the words that the angels sang, Choirs of Heavenly voices rang. Gloria, Gloria, Glory to the newborn king.
That's it! Takes me all of 20 seconds and I'm done. Love it.

This week has been a non-stopper for me and the girls. Chris took off Tuesday morning for Dallas. He was a little delayed by the ice, but arrived safely before the day was done. The girls and I spent the morning with Addie and Laney decorating green cardstock Christmas trees and delivering them to the residents of Southfield Wellness Community here in town. The girls were so responsive to the ladies and gentlemen - what a great lesson for our toddlers. Addie capped the visit by spontaneously running smiling to a man who was lounging watching tv, wrapping him in her arms in what was the biggest hug a two-year old can muster. It was unbelievably touching. We hope they all enjoy their Christmas this year.

We took a few hour break at home during which Ella had her first snow tromping of the season!
Yes...the face plants are intentional! Addie came back for the afternoon, only to be joined by the entire Bargfrede family, and eventually her own so the girls could bake and decoarte Christmas cupcakes (which got left at my house and which I am unable to resist). I was reminded once again how blessed we have been with great friends in our cozy town. On Wednesday the girls hung out at the Tesdahl's for a few hours before we hauled all the kiddos to indoor playground, after which we played outside with Laney for a good 45 mintues in the snow. The girls mostly jumped on the snow and ice covered trampoline. It was definitely a sight! Wednesday evening was spent mostly with Addie and Matthew - and my girls actually made it to bed decently early!

Today I donned my crazy hat and took both girls to the mall for pictures with santa. We took the ghetto stroller which is so named because I ran into with our new car, putting a gash in the wall of our garage and crushing the stroller. The stroller still works but the frame is a little bent, and only three of the wheels touch the ground at any one time. Oops. Ella rode on her little side car bike, and got many grins from passersby. Click here to see what the bike looks like...Ella loves it! The girls were great at the mall, I finished my Christmas shopping completely, and we even got a decent picture with Santa!
Mia had her first meal this week, this is my attempt at a picture of it. She was super into the bite part, willing as all getout to accept the spoon and food. Her problems came in when the spoon came out and she spit out everything on it. She got right back on the horse though, and opened her little mouth wide as she could for the next bite! Soon enough she'll be eating nuggets and fries like Big Missy.
I'm also including a random picture of the adorable smiling Mia, mostly because I just can't resist. For more photos of my tiny angel you can check out her 3 month photo shoot by clicking here. The Login is HANSEN (all caps) and the password is MIA (all caps). Our photographer is Jennifer Callison with Sweet Pea Photography in Ames. I love her! If you need someone in this area, I offer my recommendations.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ugh! My incessant apologies for not keeping you updated better lately. I also have no pictures to share.

Chris is currently trying to get out of the house for another meeting. He's headed to Dallas for the rest of the week and is likely going to be stuck in Des Moines overnight waiting for a flight to go out. Oh winter travels. How crazy.

Sinc eI've been on here last I spent the most blissful day at the Mall of America with Leah and Ella has performed in her first Christmas program. It was precious. I aim to post hte video of the program but have much learning to do before I get there.

We did the Nursing home thing with the girls again this morning...again no pictuers. I'm hoping Heidi and Meredith will be compliant enough to share their's with me.

The biggest news I have is that yesterday was Mia's 4 month well check. She's awesome. But some combination of a cold, shots and just maybe growing up resulted in an all-night sleeping session! Heaven.