Monday, December 22, 2008

The Since Thanksgiving Update

I'm terrible embarrased about the lack of updating I've done lately. But instead of putting it off any longer I'm taking that step into the abyss and attempting to right the wrongs I've done to each and every one of my three faithful readers.

We've had a great holiday season. Chris nad I got to spend a few days alone immediately after Thanksiving as we left the girls with Granny and Grandpa on Saturday afternoon and headed back to the WC. We stopped and had a date in Waterloo, slept in on Sunday and just hung out. I, of course, took off and shopped, estatic to have a few moments of lonliness and clairty.
The girls were returned safely Monday night when Granny and Grandpa came in for a quick 18 hour visit and Grandparents day at preschool. Nana was also able to attend - and I'm sure Ella was thrilled to be able to show off her family to her preschool and her preschool to her family.
Since then I spent a night and day in Minneapolis with Leah and Emma (love you!) and Heidi, Meredith and I hosted our first (hopefully annual) mother/daughter Christmas tea! It was so fun. Hard to believe I'm getting to do one of the things that was so important to me growing up that my mom got to do for me. We had a blast. The little girls all in their little dresses, all pretty was a sight to behold. I am grateful to have such fantastic friends to both host and have a party with. Thanks to Heidi and Mere for amusing me nad going through with it (despite the ridiculous amount of time and effort you psent and the late decision to do it) and to all the moms who faithfully brought their beautiful little girls. I sometimes can't believe I'm all grown up and living my "own" live (which, you notice by the title of my blog actually mean's my kids' lives).
We've seen lots of Chris lately on account of the ridiculous amounts of snow and blizzards we've had. He's a phenomenal father and husband. A day doesn't go by that he dosen't encourage me to let him tend to the girls while I tend to me. I love him.
We're all geared up for Christmas. Since Ella can't read and Mia doesn't care I can share with you that I did in fact talk to santa ( and he's bringing the girls a dollhouse. Thank God....Ella SO needs a dollhouse - she thinks the snowbabies and nativity scene are toys....and she spends hours on end playing with them.
We have a light week preceding the holiday this week once we get through today. I've taken on a babysitting charge for the next month or so for a friend whose daycare is on vacation. I'm looking forward to it, it'll be fun to have new kids around....but it's just one day this week and that's all Chris is working too so the rest of the week festivities will abound!!!

The babies are great - as previously mentioned Ella is way into dolls nad pretend....and mia is rapidly developing a vocabulary (finally) - "again" is the newest addition, and while she doesn't use it quite as liberally as Ella did, I'm thinking we'll get there soon enough. Their new favorite game is chase whereby Mia takes something Ella wants and Ella chases her throughout the house while they both scream and laugh. Mia still seems unable to climb on ANYTHING...which I think is good since it means she's not perched precariously atop the tv or anything, but annoying that she can't get on the couch by herself. Ella is able to write her name....although it doesn't look like much. a vertical line with about fifteen horizontal lines shooting off from it....two other vertical lines and a circle with a "tail" (which is usually a tiny line on the top right "corner" of the circle that heads off in the same direction). And not necessarily in that order. Most often the "E" "L" "L" goes left to right but you never quite know where the "A" will wind up! :-)

Again my apologies to everyone for the lack of info lately. Have a very merry Christmas and maybe I'll get some new pictures up soon.

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