Monday, January 26, 2009

Minnesota and Swimming Pictures

Busy Busy Busy

We've had quite the flury of activity lately and it doesn't stop for a good few days. Friday night Ella had a makeup Tumbling class on account of we missed all but one week of December due to cold/snow/holidays. The class was just she and her good friend Abby and Abby's sister Morgan. It was cool to see what they were willing/able to try with such individual attention.

Saturday we spent the day in Minnesota, mostly in order to see Leah and Emma as Tom had a game in Owatonna. We spent a few hours playing at Cabella's then had dinner with the Dasovich's (minues head coach Tom of course) at Famous Dave's before heading over to the game. It's so neat to see the girls all developing such unique relationships. I'm gald they are able to remain friends, and hope they always have this lasting friendship. Emma is totally sweet, she's quite the hugger as you may be able to tell from the pictures! We did dinner, game and a quick stop at Caribou to play and grab a quick coffee before heading home in PJs. Leah and I enjoyed watching the girls and the game, even if the refs needed a little of our help. Enough in fact that I'm still rather hoarse. Seriously, though, how is it possible, to shoot a freethrow, miss three tips, travel the length of the floor and call a foul, only to realize the clock hadn't started the entire time....and NOT choose to take time off? WHAT? They totally deserved it. Tom's team won (#2 in Minnesota...check out

The girls and I checked out a new church on Sunday - Freedom Ridge in Ames. It's a beautiful place and we hope to be able to become a part of their regular community of followers.

Last night was Chris and I's first of four tickets to the Theater in Des Moines. We were fortunate enough to see Spring Awakening - winner of 8 Tony Awards, including best musical this year. It was well deserved. We loved it.

Tonight was our first winter trip to the indoor pool. The girls had a blast, and are rightly exhausted. Tomorrow is Muffins with Mom at preschool (so much fun!) and we're FINALLY haivng Brooklyn over for a playdate. Ella has talked of her nonstop since school started in the fall, and it would seem ALWAYS holds her hand when they walk to chapel "two by two!" So she's coming over for lunch then an hour or so of play in the afternoon. Ella couldn't be more excited.

We've changed AWANA programs, Ella was a puggle at a chruch nearby, but we discovered she could get into the cubbie class (what? you need explaination??? Puggles is the 2-3 year old class, cubbies is 3-4, for some reason the first program we used wouldn't push her up...) so we're doing that with the aforementioned Abby, who has become quite a good friend this winter. Abby has two sisters, one older (Morgan) and one younger (Olivia- Mia's age) and a mom - Molly - we much enjoy their company and have seen quite a lot of them this season at indoor park and nursing home trips. It's been fun to make new friends and glean new lessons and blessings them.

That's where we've been...what say you?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Warm Up

We've had a great few days - what with the central Iowa heat wave and all. Yesterday we were able to walk to Granda Terri's...Made our way over there with the big sisters pulling their babies on the sleds, if only for a few yards - the rest of the way I trudged through the thigh deep snow pulling Carson and Mia, only to go back to carry Delainey and Ella each individually at least part way over! This snow won't melt til June. But we played outside for a long time, the big girls jumped on the trampoline covered in snow, made snow angels, and the like. On the way back we took a mild detour to push the sleds through the empty lot across the street. Quite the workout for mom that's for sure.
We've been all over this morning - Matthew was here this morning during preschool, we had lunch with Grandma Terri and the kids then played at Addie's for a while before coming back here with Addie for the afternoon. The girls walked alone in the street from Tesdahl's house while I drove alongside them. Such fun. It's so nice out they didn't even wear coats! We played outside for over an hour when we got back. I shoveled the melting snow off the drive - there's still plenty left there nad we can finally get to it....I even managed to scoop enough snow away from the gutter to access that - it was a good six feet tall and five feet of snow out into the street to get to it. Holy Cow. Guess we'll call that strength training for the week.
Speaking of training....Chris and I are both training for the half marathon in Lincoln...program started this week - first tough workout was this morning. A five mile run with a three mile tempo run in the middle. I'm reminded that I've got a long way to go....but it'll be worth it. I'm excited Chris is doing it with me....what a challenge.
Ella and I are going to Minnesota Saturday to see Leah and Emma - Tom is coaching in Owatonna which is only a few hours from here so we're taking advantage. Should be fun to see the girls play together again...I hope they have a lasting friendship despite the miles between them. I promise to post pictures of them as soon as I can (assuming I remember the camera). And Chris and I are going to "Spring Awakening" Sunday night at the Civic Center in Des is the first of a set of four tickets my parents gave us for Christmas....I Can't wait.

Friday, January 16, 2009

She's Done!

Went well...Took a while to wake up but she's good now. we'll see how the next few days of recovery with the foot go..... we're headed for Lincoln but wanted to put a few pics up if I could!

Big Day

It's a big day for us today. Ella is having her first "procedure" (I have been told to stop calling it surgery!!!). She has a plantars wart on her right foot that we're having removed and the Dr., on account of her age, wants to do it under some sedation. So we're going to the hospital so they can give her some gas then remove it. I'm glad they need to create a traumatic event when it's not necessary.

I probably haven't mentioned it yet, but Great Nana spent some time in the hospital recently. She had a portion of her colon removed that had died but she's doing very well, and is home now. We're quite proud of her - she has worked like mad to keep herself strong and recover and is doing a fantastic job. Keep it up! We love you.

Have had a good week....I've been convinced to try out Facebook of late. It's a productivity KILLER. But still fun to poke around. We were in Lincoln last week and will be again this - last week was to honor my high school basketball coach John Larson who reached 500 wins back in December. Sorry for the slew of losses my senior season coach - would have been quite a bit sooner without that year eh? :) This week we go for Tanyn's first birthday party (hard to believe) and "christmas" as the lake. We're anxious to go. Mom came in last night to take the girls and I back as Chris is in Kansas City on business and will be meeting us there.

Will try and post as soon as Ella's done being dug at this afternoon. Hopefully they'll keep her groggy enough to make the trip to Lincoln smooth! :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy 2009

Welcome New Year to everyone. So far so good in North Central Iowa. We had a great Christmas - Chris and I's first Christmas morning at home. It was awesome. We took the girls to Ames for Service on Christmas Eve (Mia made it to the second step on the stage at one point before I swooped her back to our seats in the back row...) then took a little detour on the way out of town to survey the local lights. Ella loved it, but didn't remain interested long. We put out some fudge and apple juice (that's all we had!!!) for Santa, then Chris braved the sub zero temperatures to sprinkle "Raindeer food" that Ella got at preschool on the lawn outside her window. Both were eaten come morning! :) We spent the morning opening presents and playing with new toys before heading to the cabin for Christams dinner with the Gifford Clan. My uncle Bob sent the kids these hats. Awesome!
We've been doing lots of babysitting for a friend since getting back, but have been enjoying it immensely. They have a boy Ella's age and a girl Mia's. Ella and Colin became fast friends - she seems to enjoy having a boy around.

I close with what will no doubt reign as my favorite memory of 2009.