Thursday, February 19, 2009

Poop and Puke

So I've embarked on the journey that is potty training....even if Mia is a bit young. She loves to sit on the potty and we had a pretty home bound week planned so I figured we'd go for broke. Dropped the diapers (save nap and bedtime) and switched to thick panties with a vinyl cover. And when I discovered she's a "holder" (only pees a few times a day) I thought I could deal with it at least for a week or so before deciding to can it and try again in a month. Ella was peeing every 20 mintues or so when we trained her, so this wet pants a few times a day thing seems like cake!!!

I continue to be amazed how dislike her sister Mia is. And I'm grateful for it....mostly cause it helps me realize that I don't control their destiny or abilities and helps me to relinquish control and responsibility. They are their own independent people and while I get the chance to help shape their lives they have their own beings underneath it all.

Aside from the expected poop on the floor and in her panties Mia has awoken covered in poop twice in the last three days. All in all she's taken three "poop" showers in the tub. She's not a big fan but seems to have come to terms with it. As for me....I'm just glad dad got me new shower heads for Christmas...the hose has been of much use!

Ella woke up complaining of a headache, then belly ache at 3:45 yesterday morning before I fully awoke to the splashing of puke on my bed/floor. Thank God for the wood floors! She heaved a good 7 or 8 times before it was over, more than I would have imagined she could contain in her little body. But when it was over she patiently and obediently got cleaned up and changed before crawling into my bed, watching a little tv then drifting back to sleep. She never complained again and never threw up again. I was glad to have skipped out on the throw up flu that has plagued our town this year, having seemingly traded it for a one-time event. She was pretty lethargic all morning and took a good strong 3 hour nap. But I threw her in the bath in the late afternoon and she perked up enough to go to Cubbies and was laughing and singing all the while. I can't believe how "mature" she's becomming. I say this with obvious relativity, but I am able now to put her to bed and if she isn't quite ready to sleep she turns on her lights and reads books before putting them away, turning out hte light nad snuggling in to go to sleep. All without any prompting from me.

I'm totally taken by both of my girls every day. Alleyna is with us this morning and she got into a little mischief while Mia tried to pee on the potty and I checked a few chores off my list....

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