I encountered two Ella quotes this evening that made me decide, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it was time to revisit blogging. Without further ado:
Ella: Why are you doing that?
Me (pulling the cover off the grill for dinner): Why do you think?
Ella: Daddy wrecked it?
The second...Chris was "assessing" his tackle box (as if he's going to have time to fish this year...HA!) and holds out a particular lure and says to Ella: What are these?
Ella (O so proud and so very excited to "know" the answer: OOOOO....THINGS!
Ahhhh....the pleasures of a four year old.
...are quickly muddled by the difficulties of a two year old.
In truth, the girls are fantastic. Ella is growing into a "devoted and responsible" (stolen directly from Ginger's Christmas card) big sister. She adores her baby brother, and is growing mature enough to, occasionally, show some patience w/ her little sister...before lighting into her when said patience runs out. She absolutely LOVES preschool (cannot WAIT for "big" school to start in the fall), and I love it for her. She has made friends very well, and we have brought back the after-school playdate for the "spring" (yes it's coming). We try, every few weeks, to have a friend from school come for lunch then play for a few hours. It helps me get to know Ella's friends, and their parents, and Ella loves sharing her home w/ them.
She is also going full speed w/ tumbling and Cubbies and is soon to start Spring soccer. I personally think she is turning out to be a pretty good gymnast, but she swears to me that she will be abandoning it next year in leiu of dance. It makes me a bit sad cause I love to see her developing a skill, but I'd much rather she try something new and learn if she likes it or not. I'm anxious for whatever she decides.
Mia is a ball of energy...I certainly cannot keep up w/ her. I love watching her go, and w/ me babysitting pretty often these days, she's become quite the little playmate (although occasionally she's more sisterly to the other kids than friendly). She follows in her big sisters footsteps whenever she is able, and has started tumbling, tho not in formal classes. We have made a weekly event of open gym at the gymnastics studio here in town and watching her little legs bounce up and down on the big trampolines is enough to fill my heart for the week.
She is DESPERATE to start preschool, so occasionally I go to pickup Ella just a little early and she sneaks in the back of the classroom and sits at carpet time w/ her sister. She will start w/ 3 year old preschool next fall, and, although young I think she'll enjoy it. ...provided she learns to poop in the potty by then. There was a time a few weeks ago I thought she'd never make it, but the recent past has shown some major progress.
And Dane...my little Dane Bug. He's just a precious little dude. I couldn't love him more. He is a VERY happy baby, laughs (mostly for his daddy), smiles often, and my God the boy sleeps. HE SLEEPS! I've never been more excited in my life. And this is why I've been able to resusitate the blog. I know there will be waking nights ahead still, but on the whole he has started sleeping pretty well. And isn't that the most important thing about a new baby? I can't believe he is 3 months already...we are going for pictures on Tuesday (we have a FAB photographer by the way). He adores his big sisters, Ella can make him smile from across the room, and has been blanketed in love since coming home. Both of them were very happy to have him (and mom) home after the slightly elongated stay which left them and daddy stranded in a snow storm w/ my mom. God bless all of them for enduring (but mostly my mom!!!!!)
Chris and I are well (he sleeps! of course we are). We have embarked on a weightloss effort, and have tentatively agreed to reward ourselves w/ a trip sans kiddos if we should meet our goals. Though I think we are at a point in our child-rearing years that just such a vacation may materialize w/ or w/o weight loss!!! Chris has taken on the position of head coach of the Midwest Rampage. They are a "minor-league" football team here in town. That's right, he is coaching adult-rec-league full contact football. God help us all. But he LOVES it, and I'm glad he's able to do something he enjoys.
We have taken the last few weekends to spend one-on-one time w/ the girls. First me, than Chris. I took Mia for an errand-running/shopping day in Ames, then took Ella to the Civic Center to see Frog and Toad. Chris took Mia to Bass Pro Shops and will be taking Ella to Very Hungry Catapillar in a few weeks at the Civic Center. She loves the theater (or so it would seem) and it has just been a ton of fun to see each of them while able to focus completely on them. I asked a friend why, if it is so nice to spend time w/ just one, do we have such a compuslion to have so many?!?! She says: So we have options! :)
I hope upon hope that I will be able to continue blogging, but sleeping well or not, having a third oddly takes more time than having two! :) Chris asked me the other night if this "laundry thing" was going to be an "every night thing?" ummm.....well....I will be doing laundry so long as there is laundry to be done. Should the other four members of my family stop wearing clothes I promise not to do so much! :)