Friday, March 12, 2010

Let's try that again...

Not a bad week...started w/ this:
(She fell in the locker room after family swim night on Monday. I was in washing the little kids and heard her crying, peaked around the curtain to find my baby with blood pooling in her mouth. Not gonna lie, I panicked! But we pulled it together and altogether she did pretty well and we're now no worse for the wear.)
Threw in a few fingers slammed in the door and ended w/ a successful Friday. In between we got a good bit of outdoor play in, Thank God it's finally warming up. I'm still holding out for the day I can get the kids in the car in under fifteen minutes. Those dang coats, gloves and hats will be the death of me. And I'd be in business if I didn't have kids that tear them off the moment they get in the car, requiring me to cram myself in the car when we arrive at our destination to force them back on. Usually only to have them dump them again at some point and I wind up carrying everything. Soon enough, soon enough.

We did play outside quite a bit, even managed a good few walks and a trip to the again visible park.

Thursday was a trip to the nursing home, the kids have come so far...I love watching them interact w/ the residents. I am also taken by the fact that the kids we bring to visit the residents are at such a similar developmental stage as those we are visiting. They are oft times entertained by and in need of the same activities and tasks. The kids have learned a lot from our visits, they have developed a certain compassion and fearlessness for and of individuals who are in such need of care and attention - both physically and emotionally. They don't know it yet, but they are learning to respect people in all stages of life...

Chris's football season is now in full swing. They had their first practice Wednesday night and we are attending their first fundraiser event this Sunday. Wish us luck as the kids and I navigate our way through this first season. My God grant me patience. LOTS of patience! :)

Happy weekend to you all.

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