Friday, November 16, 2007

We Made It!!!

The Bible tells us that each of us has been given a gift. Some have the gift of teaching, some of prophecy, etc. etc. etc. I'm now convinced there is one gift that has some how been mistakenly omitted: The gift of being a single mom. Holy crap. I feel as if I ran the half marathon with E last weekend. I'm exhausted. And I only had to do this by myself for four days. I did, however, manage to sustain life in both girls, the cat, the dog and suprisingly myself. Chris is due home any minute. The girls are both in bed (although I'm not quite sure Ella's actually sleeping), and the house is, again suprisingly, pseudo clean. At least picked up if not cleaned and I'm watching "Numbers" and anxiously awaiting "House." Sadly Friday night TV is the highlight of my week. I'm a loser.
Our week was mostly good. Chris took off Tuesday morning - we did the library thing in the morning and went over to play with Lainey, Carson and Grandma Terri for a while after that. Ella passed out on our bed watching "Your Backyard Friends" (aka the backyardigans) and Mia was compliant enough to sleep at the same time. And so did I. There's nothing quite like curling up next to your toddler for a nap. Wednesday was indoor park and Ella was a TERROR. I love her, but she was naughty. She's gotten into this "don't play with me, leave me alone, no one can play with anything I like" thing. So we went home and she put her comfies back on for the rest of the day. Fine by me. We made banana bread and took it easy. Our evenings were calm, I turned the tv on at about 6 or so and we'd hang out in the tv room. We ordered pizza, drank sodies, and had our dinner downstairs. It was loads of fun. We dressed all of Ella's babies who had been previously naked...which was every single one...and lined them up on the couch. For the record - we DO NOT need anymore dolls. Can you find Ella??? Ella brought her trampoline from the playroom into the tv room and entertained us all.
All in all we had a good time. I enjoyed my girls and am grateful I have mostly good kids. Mia slept with me most nights after 1 am or so....and on Wednesday morning I woke up to find myself wacking her in the head with my elbow. Oops...sorry princess. It was nice being vegetables for a while, but I am much anticipating Christopher's return. Ella missed him too. She even wore his socks for a while in order to be close to him!
I'm less than a week away from my race! The Webster City Turkey Trot 5K is on Thanksgiving and will this year feature none other than myself. It'll be interesting to see how it goes.
My profound musings for the evening are as such: I know everyone hates Disney cause they're taking over the world, and everyone hates Baby Einstein - mostly because they themselves weren't brilliant enough to decide to make B grade films for dirt cheap and sell them for billions of dollars to every parent out there who is desperate for their kid to be the smartest two year old on the block ( kid wins!), but I hate Disney and Baby Einstein for what I honeslty believe is a warranted reason: The freaking previews!!! What kind of company can feel good about themselves knowing they put like 30 minutes of previews on a film a baby is watching!!!

1 comment:

Esue said...

5 Things:

1. Thanks for the half well was a good time!
2. I really need to catch up on my kids shows so I can keep up with my kiddo with autism and stop his tantrums more quickly - maybe you can send me a cartoon synopsis with catch phrases, character names, and the theme song once a week (can we start with superwhy?)
3. I'm buying L a multi-cultural doll for Christmas! :)
4. Good luck on your run! I'm doing a Turkey trot run on Sat. too! It'll be a 4 mile trail run at the beach, so it should be muy interestante.
5. I HATE baby einstein, and I can't believe you've been suckered into it! Come on M!!!!

Have a great weekend, sorry for basically writing my own post on YOUR blog!