Monday, March 24, 2008

It's The End of the World As We Know It...

Mia started crawling last week...she has a bizzare method, but it seems to work for her. I have video, but alas it is stranded in my camera, which was neglectfully left in Nebraska. Ella seemed to have a great time with Nana and Papa....and Bergen and Tanyn. But she was clearly ready to come home. When Nana told her she'd have to come back and stay again another time she said no she wanted to go to her house. Precious.

My new favorite Ella quote:
L: Pooh Dress
Mom: OK, whatever
L: Pooh Dress
Mom: OK (thinking, what the heck is she talking about...who has a pooh dress)
L: I want Pooh Dress Mama
Mom: I don't know what you're talking about peanut....
L: You know.... "Devil with a Pooh Dress, Pooh Dress, Pooh Dress....Devil with a Pooh Dress On!"

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