Monday, April 21, 2008

The Countdown Begins

Just a few more days until we leave for Texas. I think everyone's looking forward to vacation. And this vacation, as expected, kicks off a month or so of activity. We're going to the Omaha zoo in early May, and will be spending a week or so at the cabin/Lincoln mid to late May before the KC trip.

My scarcity lately is less due to business and more due to nice weather and loads of kids. We watched Carson for a day last week before a few impromptu babysitting. We had Addie and Matthew for an afternoon, then Carter for a few hours. All of which we love to do. Ella loves to play with her friends and Mia's started following the big kids around and enjoys some of the extra attention I get to give her when Big Missy has a playmate. One of the girls' new favorite activities is to go into Ella's room, shut the door and turn her songs up full blast. I have NO CLUE what they do in there, but they'll stay for upwards of fifteen to twenty minutes. Which gives me time to clean up from breakfast, fold some clothes or sit down, have a cup of coffee and read a magazine. No matter how you slice it I love having two kids. If Ella should happen to turn on her songs when Mia isn't in her room my speedy crawler spins on the spot and heads for her room. So cute.

Mom came up last Thursday for the night to take L to Backyardigans Live with me. Ella loved it. For the first 15 mintues or so she stood motionless, Austin in teh crook of one arm, the other stopped mid-motion on the way down. I thought she might stay that way the whole time, but eventually she moved, and started really getting into it, raising her shield, waving her wand and calling out when she saw the egg. (If you don't know the Tale of the Mighty Knights maybe you should go rent it).

The weekend was the most relaxing one we've had in quite some time. I ran both days with Heidi....a little over five on Saturday and 7 on Sunday. I've really enjoyed upping my milage, I've been wanting to for quite some time but jsut can't do it alone, I get bored and start feeling guilty about how long it takes, which leads to cutting runs short so I can get back. I'm quite grateful to have found some girlfriends to run takes a bit of the edge off in so many ways. In fact, I've already run once this morning and am headed back out again this evening to log a few extra miles since I'll probably not get much in during vacay.

Mia has had her first sandbox experience as you'll see in the pictures, and just like her sister, the sand went straight in her mouth. Why do my children hate me?

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