Monday, April 7, 2008

Seeing People we Love

Today is our first day without company since Wednesday....and we are missing them already. DeEtte was in town Wed-Fri. We took a day in Ft. Dodge Thursday....went to McDonalds, the mall, even made it to Target. The girls were great....enough to earn a top at the Target Deli for popcorn and Icees - Ella's favorite part about Target. Nick babysat Thursday night cause Mom and I went to a home sale party. Ella loves Nick...she'd probably prefer we make plans every night so Nick can come play. He does an awesome job. When DeEtte left Friday afternoon we played outside until Aunt Heather came just a few hours later. The girls had so much fun with her! It was a short visit, but we enjoyed having her here. She got to play at the park across the street...the park I am naming "windy-park." There's not a freaking tree in sight, and the wind could darn well blow you back into the street! We played sandbox for a while, until the little stink ate a handful of sand. Could someone PLEASE tell me why it is that my kid enjoys eating sand? We've had to implement strict rules against it, as in she took a full day's hiatus from her favorite tiny beach in all the world, for fear that she'll eat sand contaminated with some sort of animal waste. We're too close to the cornfields to not think there's random animals roaming our neighborhood. Mia took to Heather well, and is generally loosening her grip on mom. She's still famous for being a perfect angel while I'm gone, and bursting into what would seem to be tears of torture upon my return. What a drama queen.

Earlier in the week the girls and I took a day trip to owatonna to have lunch with and spend a few hours in the company of Leah and Emma. It's so good to see her, I love watching Emma grow and change, and I am very grateful that we're close enough to find a meeting place for such times. We had lunch at Cabella's, and the girls got stickers and plastic bait worms from the greeter....which alone made the trip worth it! They loved looking at the animals

and fish and played for quite a long time in the campng section, hiding in the tents, laying on the cots and otherwise navigating their way through lots of cool displays. We closed our visit with a trip to Caribou (heaven!). The children's corner is enough to keep me coming back!

Today it's mostly back to the same old same old. We have what seem to be gale force wind, so despite the potential warm up we'll probably be going to indoor park this morning. Not much on the ticket until the weekend....but things take off after that. We plan on enjoying the quiet week.

Oh....and Rock Chalk, and Go Lady Vols!

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