Friday, May 9, 2008

Mia's Nine Month Birthday!

My Blogger "dashboard" tells me my last post was April 21. Holy crap! My bad. Things have been good in Hansen land. I will no doubt fall grossly short in my attempt to bring to light those things we've been doing since I last blogged, but I promise to give it my best shot.

Our trip to Texas was phenomenal as was expected. The girls were good on the drives, we stopped in Muskogee OK on the way down and stayed at a hotel so we could swim in the morning before finishing out the final few hours. John, Jill and JD were quite the hosts....we hit youth soccer and baseball games, walked the trail at the ranch, played with the dogs A LOT, and had the girls officially checked out (all healthy and growing). We went to a service at Joshua's Crossing, which is always a treat...the openness with which they welcome every sole who crosses the threshold of their doors continues to amaze and encourage me.

Chris turned around that week and had a few overnight stays so I packed up the girls and went to the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines for the day on Thursday so we could meet dad for dinner. We also went to a few baby stores where I pushed every freaking stroller out there (so as to replace the one that I smashed with the car), only to find out that I hate every stroller out there save the one I already have but which has a slightly built frame. We met dad anda few of his collegues at Joe's Crab Shack for dinner and because they have the best restaurant playground ever. Ella was as dirty as she's ever been when we left. I loved it.

Frosty made what turns out to be his first trip to the WC since September. Long time to visit papa! It was a quick visit, but we enjoyed having him here and are glad the bed has moved from it's temporary holding spot in our basement to it's final resting place at the cabin. It seems surreal that we're close enough to closing as to move in furniture. We have a trip scheduled in 8 days for a 10 day stay. We're excited to be able to spend a few serene days at the lake. Kudos to Bill and Frost for all the hard work they've put in to build the world's best cabin!

Wednesday we tripped to Omaha for dinner with Nana, Papa, Great Nana, Great Papa at the Amazing Pizza Machine. AWESOME! It's like Chuck E Cheese on steroids, with a fantastic under 5 area and great food. We so love spending any time we can with Great Nana and Papa, and are blessed that we still get to share our experiences with them.

Thursday was the Omaha Zoo with Betsy, Bergen and Tanyn; Ginger and the boys; Linsey and Mattie, also toting Isabelle and Jack; Jamie and Mara; Nana DeEtte; and Momo Melanie and Sam. What a fantastic time we had. The kids were so good, seemed to enjoy the animals and friends and the adults surely enjoyed the company.

We spent the greater party of today at Terri's playing with the kids. We stayed for dinner and the evening culminated in Miss L's first official "friend" sleepover. She's staying at Grandma Terri's with Lainey and Callen. We'll see if she makes it through the night.

Miss Mia is good...she's taller and slightly skinnier than L was at this age. She has a mouth full of teeth...6 now and possibly a few more coming in. She's so very close to walking, but just not there yet. She's starting to overcome her stranger anxiety ever so slowly. Her little personality is coming out so animated. I'm loving every moment of my children. Especially those rare moments when I get to breathe! :)

Sorry again for the gross delay...and for all the fantastic details and events I have omitted.

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