Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween - AKA Mia's Favorite Holiday

Mia has discovered her new favorite day of the year....Halloween. What a "fun-for-all!"

I wish that I had more time to write and tell stories, but it seems I'm spending my energies elsewhere these days...But a few anectedotes to hold you over...and of course the pictures to accompany.

A little over a week ago we frequented our local rec center for the Preschool Halloween Party. It is an indoor, game style trick-or-treat for the little ones whereby a successful (and by success I mean attempt) round of any variety of game results in a candy prize. Lots of fun. We followed up with lasagna and pumpkin carving at our house with Bargfredes and Tesdahls - Ella was NOT so into the pumpkin thing. SHe sure expected me to execute an acceptable jack-o-lantern, but for the most part wanted nothing to do with the process. Woudln't even stick her stinking hand in the pumpkin and help me gut it. Thanks kid.

Nana and Papa came in for actual Halloween...and an official indoctrination into what my daily life is like. We had ALleyna in the morning and Delainey adn Carson in the afternoon. It's a bit of a mad house around here most of the time, but I thrive on it and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Ella has discovered a new use for sidewalk chalk: if you soak it in water and mash it on the ground it turns into a pasty sort of paint that she likes to use to make hand and foot prints....Figured it out all of her own accord! Given the uncharastecitly warm (I will not say fantastic given my affinity for the cold) weather that is what we spent the greater part of the afternoon doing once the babies awoke from napping.

After outdoor activities we costumed all four kids and met Mere downtown for our "merchant trick-or-treat." The girls had full candy buckets by 4:00 in the afternoon. But let's not lie, that didn't stop us from taking advantage of the "neighborhood" trick-or-treat (that's right we have rules and regulations regarding our door-to-door greed sessions in this town) from 6-8. The girls had a great time, and were sufficiently pooped at the end of it all.

Mia has a few new tricks up her sleeves these days...she konws her nose, belly and toes, and can "jump" - the video really tells the story more accurately than I can convey it with words....She's not much for words though, mommy, daddy, occasionally we get "all-done" and she says night-night....we're working on "please" which at this point sound an awful lot like "me" on the off chance I get her to say it at all.

We leave for Texas in just five looking forward to the trip and the stay at the ranch - if not dreading the immense ammounts of soccer we will be intaking. Aye aye aye.... :)

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