Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This IS the Good Life!

And I don't mean like Nebraska claims to be the "goodlife" this really IS the good life. We've had a few more Tuesday playdates recently. Chase last week (in the jeep) and Trevyn this (finger-painting). It's been fun having boys around...between those boys and Colin, whom we've babysat frequently of late, Ella's gotten lots of "boy" style play recently.
Went swimming last night with a whole slew of friends...Abby, Addie, Ally....geesh, looks like we place the "A" in the wrong place in L's name!!! Lots of fun though. As far as goings on around here that's about it. Been pretty quiet with lots of play. Ella has informed us that she will be dressing as Annie for Halloween this year. We'll see if it holds up in 8 months.
Mia is becoming a talker quickly. She's now willing to repeat pretty much anything...however her most common phrases are "where Ella?", and "Where Matthew" (which sounds a lot like mat-new). We abandoned the active potty training after about a week, as I had figured we would. She's quite the holder, but not so much the "goer!" Since then she's peed and/or pooped in the potty four times on request.
As quiet as it's been lately we'll be returning to full speed soon....Chris is having a poker night at hte cabin with the boys this weeknd so the girls nad I will tag along and spend the weekend with friends in Lincoln, while hopefully catching the Knights in the title game of the state basketball championship. Then Chris has a conference scheduled in Chicago at the end of the week so we're taking advantage and spending the weekend prior in Racine visitng (and a gymnastics party for the girls!). Then the two of us will spend a few nights in Chi-town while the girls stay with Granny and Grandpa.
The following weekend I will be in L-town again for Jaime baby showers! Yay fun. Haven't decided if the girls will be spending the weekend with dad or giving him the weekend off in favor a weekend with nana and papa.....if the g-parents have a say we all know which that will be!!!!

Just a few extra pictutres to share....Mia "stretching" like dad...and then some with Alleyna. The girls LOVE to sit on the stool together!!!


AG said...

You're slacking - we need another update! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree need some new pictures and info for the family.