Monday, February 4, 2008

Good-Knight Bob

I'm in disbelief that Bobby Knight has retired. It's impossible not to acknowledge that he was on the brink of losing it, but nonetheless, he was a legend no matter how you slice it. A very few of you know that he was actually a professional friend of my grandfather, who was an exceptional basketball mind. I was always a proponent of his coaching style, minus the physical agression. I'm old-school when it comes to coaching, in that a team cannot be run via a democracy, the coach needs to be in charge. No question who was in charge on his teams. This trend towards athletes running teams, and making demands disgusts me. Kudos to Coach Knight for continuing to stand for his team. Like I said though, he was losing it, so I'm glad to see him go now, while he still (maybe) has some of it.

Chris is out of town again at a conference for the week. I'd planned to haul the girls to Lincoln but have been waylaid by the weather. So we're doing projects this week. We stocked Mia's drawers with 6-12 month clothing from storage (my baby's getting so big!!!) and have plans to take down the winter village at some point. Chris and I did some painting over the weekend in our great room and I'm playing with the furniture arrangement in that space. It will likey have been moved numerous times before he returns. Nothing's permanent right?

The girls are both asleep, though both of them were mildly reluctant to do so. The night promises to be interesting as I found Ella's diaper on the floor outside her door when I went to check on them. I can perfectly picture her cracking her door and sticking her little hand out and dropping the diaper for me to find. So I'm sure she'll be at my bedside soon enough with soaking wet comfies and unable to return to her own pee-coated bed. I'll relish the chance to cuddle her.

Chris and I are taking the girls to St. Cloud for the Alumni game this weekend. We have lots of fun planned after I humiliate myself. Mostly in the form of watching Ella and Emma Dasovich take over the Holiday Inn swimming pools and play areas. Maybe we'll rope someone (Abe???) into keeping an eye on the girls for fifteen minutes or so....just long enough to pound a Margarita with no toddlers or babies whining, crying or otherwise interrupting a nice drink.

Hope you like all the pictures....I had to split it into two files there were so darn many.

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