Sunday, February 24, 2008

It's True - Adults Live Here!!!

It was a good week around these parts. I hosted Girls' night Tuesday - always a good time. Heidi took me shopping in Fort Dodge on Friday, mostly in order to acquire a few objects with which to decorate my now adult-friendly living room. It was much fun to get out with a girl friend and spend some time just walking through stores browsing and dreaming sans children.

I awoke early Saturday morning to participate in the appropriately named "Frozen 5K" here in town. Holy Crap was it cold. And hell if it wasn't darn near the most difficult thing I've ever done. Racing in single digit weather is hard enough, but to do so half a year after birthing my second daughter and with what is a shotty training regimine behind me is nearly impossible. Oh, and did I mention the flight of stairs. And 75 yards of nearly foot deep snow. And that the ENTIRE course was covered in packed snow. Do you know how hard it is to run on snow? It's not quite like the treadmil. My quads still hurt. But it wsa much fun, I have no regrets and I won myself $20 in Webster City bucks (which really only means I have to spend it in town). I plan to take Chris out to dinner but he doesn't know that yet! :)

We went to Lincoln for Tanyn's baptism - precious little thing. She loves me....even if she is a little apprehensive about my holding her. Things are heating up in our household again. We have a shower for Jaime and Trevor this coming weekend and Chris has a Texas trip planned for later in March. We have a few weekends of visitors coming about and an all-family trip to the Lonestar state. I am excited not only to see good friends, but thrilled that my sweet little Mia will have her first official visit with my most favoriteist doctor ever. I am pretty sure the office staff there thinks I'm crazy. My conversation with the woman in scheduling went something like this (and don't forget to superimpose the nice southern accent on "her"):
Her: "And this is her first visit with Dr. Breeze?"
Me: "Uh Huh"
Her: "And she's nine months?"
Me: "Uh Huh"
Her: "And her sister's a patient here?"
Me: "Uh Huh"
Her: "And you live in...?"
Me: "Iowa"
Her: "And you're scheduling this visit because?"
Me: "Because if I can get Dr. Breeze to poke at my Children I will do so."
Her: "Yeah...I'm gonna have to call you back."
But it's worth it. There is nothing like the confidence that comes with knowing Dr. Breeze is caring for my children. I can't wait!

The girls are increadible. Mia is trying desperately to figure out how to crawl. She's learning mobility via rolling and squirming, and this weekend managed to get to hands and one knee with the other leg straight.

Ella continues to amaze me, and I couldn't help but tell Chris the other day "I really like her." I know it sounds really lame but I do, I really like Ella, she cracks me up...she's a great time...she's fun to be with. I am so enjoying watching her grow.

We were welcomed home today by the most generous of actions by our good friends....they came into our house while we were away and did the decorating for which Heidi and I shooped last week. It looks great. I only wish I had accurate before pictures. Even are the after pics:

Yes it's true....adults do live here.

And as always....a few good photos of our kiddos. They are the light of my life - I am daily reminded and amazed that God would entrust such precious souls to me.

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