Tuesday, July 1, 2008

You Put What??? Where???

That's right....Ella shoved a piece of candy from a candy necklace up her nose, and managed to successfully lodge it just out of sight. It was a disaster. The whole day was kind of crazy...we babysat over the lunch hour, then quick got dressed to go to the pool. Had to run around town looking for a carseat so we could take Addie with us and they not only forgot to leave her a seat, but wouldn't answer their phones! While we were at the pool, my wallet got lifted out of our bag (I found it a few feet away a little later...just cash gone, apparantly the mini-thieves at the WC pool aren't interested in identity theft. Just cash for snacks). So after promising the girls sno-cones and running around trying to find my wallet, I was on my way to the ATM when L starts whining about how there's something in her nose. I ignored her until I checked back and there was blood streaming down her face onto her suit. So I jumped in the backseat with wipes and cleaned her up as she's telling me... "I put a candy in my nose."
Mom quick calls the doctor (the good ones, down in Texas of course). I actually called the direct access line Dianne gave me, and someone else answered. "Is Dianne available?" "She's not in right now." "Like out, out?" "Yes, out of the office." "Crap! This is Emily Hansen, we're up in Iowa, blah blah, insert story here." "blah blah, talk to the doctor...since it's bleeding you probably want to find a doctor, maybe you have family that knows a doctor..." "no, no, we live here...not visiting, I can go the the doctor if I need to." "Oh...you live there? Yeah, go ahead and take her in..."
So I take Ella, Mia and Addie to the doctor. All of us in swim suits, Ella with no shoes on. We're there five minutes, the PA looks up her nose says he'll be back. Ten mintues later I ask Ella to blow softly, and it's dissolved enough to come out. That's it...disaster avoided. We capped the adventure with the previously promised sno-cones. And everyone lived happily ever after.
The End.

1 comment:

AG said...

You can't even MAKE this stuff up! Only a mom can regale us with tales so exciting!