Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Preschool Success!

Ella's first day of preschool went pretty smoothly. I didn't anticipate anything else, but that doesn't change that it did in fact go well. She seemed to enjoy herself, made a new friend "the girl in the pink shirt." We later learned, when running into her at McDonald's that her name is Brooklyn.
The only questionable moment came prior to our first day of school when I discovered she was to bring a "large" school bag. What?!? Her great nana has given her a darling preschool-sized (loosely translated appropriately sized) backpack! I thought about bucking the system and sending her with it anyway, but decided I neadn't be "that" mom that thought she and her children are above the rules. (But really when you're right why do you have to follow bad rules!) So I ordered her the "small" (I know it's not the large, but it's clearly big enough for a 3-year old, she does NOT need the same size backpack as a high schooler). Since it had not arrived this morning when it was time to go I bent her school folder so it fit in her mini-pack and we went with it. Well, when I got there I realized I'M the one that hangs up the backpack....I'M the one that takes the folder out and I'M the one that puts the folder back in. Why then, do they car what size it is....and why does she NEED a bag anyhow? Can't I carry her folders and artwork in my hand? So when we left I asked if I was being an annoying parent if she kept the small bag. They didn't care. So we're back on! Woo Hoo!!!!! I promise to continue questioning the rules for the next 18+ years....and to follow them when I deam it appropriate! :) Only kidding! I'm mostly a rule follower so I plan to attempt to continue as such. So sa it is, Ella's doing well. The teacher tells me she was good, "hugged everybody." Not suprising, she's a little wierd.
Mia and I had a great time. Played at Terri's for a while with Matthew and Carson. Heidi Terri and I enjoyed having the babies with full attention. Then we came home for a quick lay down and some one-on-one time. We all met at McDonald's for after-school lunch. Ella, Mia and I and four other kids that all go to a different pre-school. Ella is the only one of her friends, or my friends' kids that is going to the preschool she is. I think it's kind of exciting, she'll get to make all new friends, and feel free to play with whomever she wants.

Addie is over this afternoon, they went to the park for a while with Heidi and are now playing dress up (I broke down and bought a princess dress and a "ballet dress" - a leotard with a tutu) and pretend.

Chris is in KC for the day today, he had a lunch with some higher-ups to help direct the movement of the company. What an honor!

Girls night for me tonight...woo hoo!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

She Walks!!!


Birthday Notes...

Amazing how much can happen in a few short weeks.
Mia is officially a forward facer in the car now! Her party was tons of fun...not quite the birthday weekend extravaganza that Ella had, this one was nice and tight, taking up only one day, but it was much fun nonetheless. We had family brunch in the morning (thanks Melanie for the fantastic sausage breakfast caserole recipe). Ella was absent, attending Lainey's "Princess" birthday party (notice the princess dress in the photos). It was fun to have all the attention on Mia. She ate it up. We had her neighborhood (nay, all city) birthday party that afternoon. She demolished the cake. It took her quite some time....she began by sticking her finger in the frosting and smearing it across her cest, graduated to doing the same with fistfulls of cake, then when someone stuck a fork in her hand she started eating. And didn't stop for upwards of an hour! She crumbled almost half of it before someone was thoughtful enough to turn it for her so she could attack the other half! Lots of fun anyhow.
Chris and I had our "vacation" that week while Nana stayed with the girls. She says they were good, as I assume they were. It wa much fun for me...a normal work trip for Chris, but I got to drink lots of coffee, watch lots of people and wander around all by myself. It was relaxing and envigorating. Thanks to everyone who made it possible. Mostly Merck and Co. and DeEtte.
Since returning we've been pretty normal. A few visits to the park in Ft. Dodge, and lots of friend time. Lainey and Ella had their first go at homemade edible playdough this morning. It was great. There seems to be an enhanced interested in something they've made themselves instead of merely unpacking it.
Ella had Back to School Night at Preschool. A chance to meet the teacher and check out the classroom. And for them to collect our money and papers and give us a few rules. Most of which I have to admit I didn't listen to due to the antsy, hungry, whiny baby I was holding (Mia). I think Ella'll love it. She certainly doesn't mind leaving mom behind to play with new kids and new toys.
Mia is walking full time now. Only crawls in the rare instances that she's already down and her desired destination is also low lying, or she's fervently chacing after Big Missy. It's funny to watch her go, and hard to believe just a little over a week ago she was still getting the hang of it.
Hope everyone who is back to work/school had a good summer. We're just bracing for the next onslaught of "stuff" around here. I'm up to ten plus miles at least once a week. My race is about five weeks away. I'm also signed up for the Des Moines Marathon Relay. It's a five man relay whereby the first four legs run five miles each and the anchor leg completes a 6.2 mile portion. I'm running with Heidi, the two other ladies I train with here in town and Leah. I'm way excited. And kudos to Leah for being able to do it. I'm impressed and inspired by your dedication adn committment. I'm sure you remember clearly the day you never thought you'd be able to run two miles. Cheers! I'm enjoying running, but I think I'll be glad when it's over and I can take it a little easier.
That's about it. Look for the preschool updates....should be interesting!

"Emerging" Thoughts

I picked up a book while we were in Kansas City on account of I had a little time to do some light reading. "Why We're Not Emergent...By Two Guys Who Should Be." I expected it to be a book about the positive virtues of attending a "traditional" church. Not so. Turns out the "Emerging" church is more than sofas in the worship center, rock music during service, and a coffee shop in the hall. The movement these gentlemen are critiquing is less form and more substance. Seems there is a movement of people out there who are reaching a great number of people, but may be comprimising the gospel in order to do so. I've been quite critical of the book itself as I've read, on account of not knowing a great amount regarding the movement beforehand I don't think a critique is a good way to indoctrinate myself to it. At least insofar that I don't feel comfortable feeling I have all the facts, obviously only those that support the thesis of this book. Having said that...if what they say is true we must all be very careful not to forgoe any part of the gospel in an effort to win someone to it. There seems to be a sect popping up that is tearing down the fundamentals of the Bible, saying it needs to be "reworked" for our generation. Not so. Jesus hung with the sinners, and loved them anyway. Never, though, did He lead us to believe they had not sinned. He just didn't care. If the Emerging church is teaching that we dont' even know if God thinks we've sinned (which this book suggests) then they have removed any need for the cross. I held fast throughout the book, and the authors validated for me, that there are many churches out there that are hip, comfortable adn progressive, and are preaching the Bible. These are the churches I want to be in. The ones that reach out and not in, the ones that honestly don't care what you've done, not because they don't think it might have been wrong, but because it isn't theirs to care about. They let God do the loving and Jesus do the mending. This is the church I want belong to.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Pictures tell the Story

Mostly, it's true. The pictures that follow tell most of the stories that I have to tell. We've been having tons of fun lately. We did swim lessons again last week, and Ella is doing so fantastic. We're done for the year, there's no way she'll pass out of the next level, so we'll go at it again next year. She's currently swimming about five to ten yards, turning those arms just as fast as she can! She's gotten so that I don't ahev to touch her when she comes out of the big slide, she swims her way all the way to the ladder all by herself "like a big girl!" Mia might love the water even more than Ella, when I try and sit near the 0 depth area at our pool she points nad screams until I take her in to swim. She loves to chase big missy, that's her favorite!

We took Addie to swim lessons last Friday...she was tons of fun and ws even brave enough to go off the high board. Not Ella, she stuck to thet low board. It was a blast to watch this little things way up there, just walk to the end and jump.

I took the girls to the Fort Dodge for the entire day yesterday. We started out just running a few errands, but wound up getting new swim suits so we could hit the new spash park, having dinner at Applebee's and rounded out the day with a stop at Target for pull-ups and new comfies cause I was right when I thought the girls would crash as soon as we got in the car. I carried both of them in like a load of bricks when we got home. It was a fantastic day.

The running thing is going well. I pounded out a ten-miler on Saturday. I've been able to surpass the milage on my training program, and am quite happy with the pace I'm running. Omaha here I come!

Chris and I got roped into golfing in a couples best shot Saturday. It was tons of fun. I'm not so sure how Chris felt about it, I'm sure he would have rather been fishing, but I much enjoyed all the company, and for a few hours spent away from the kids it was a darn good time. Oh....yes we are TERRIBLE golfers. Im pretty sure we had one of the worst scores on the course. But we enjoyed it.

Gearing up for Mia's birthday party this week. She's doing her best to not walk until after the big day, but I'm not so sure she'll be able to hold out. She's just such a darn fast crawler. She takes a good few steps when we encourage her, but has yet to walk just because. Lazy kid. It's increadible to me how different the girls are. I knew intellectually that they would be independent and likely very different people, but it seems that more and more I'm realizing now how vastly different they are. We love each part of both of them.

Mia Feeds the Deer!!!

Ella Swims

Ella jumps!

Mostly WaterPark Fun!