Thursday, August 21, 2008

Birthday Notes...

Amazing how much can happen in a few short weeks.
Mia is officially a forward facer in the car now! Her party was tons of fun...not quite the birthday weekend extravaganza that Ella had, this one was nice and tight, taking up only one day, but it was much fun nonetheless. We had family brunch in the morning (thanks Melanie for the fantastic sausage breakfast caserole recipe). Ella was absent, attending Lainey's "Princess" birthday party (notice the princess dress in the photos). It was fun to have all the attention on Mia. She ate it up. We had her neighborhood (nay, all city) birthday party that afternoon. She demolished the cake. It took her quite some time....she began by sticking her finger in the frosting and smearing it across her cest, graduated to doing the same with fistfulls of cake, then when someone stuck a fork in her hand she started eating. And didn't stop for upwards of an hour! She crumbled almost half of it before someone was thoughtful enough to turn it for her so she could attack the other half! Lots of fun anyhow.
Chris and I had our "vacation" that week while Nana stayed with the girls. She says they were good, as I assume they were. It wa much fun for me...a normal work trip for Chris, but I got to drink lots of coffee, watch lots of people and wander around all by myself. It was relaxing and envigorating. Thanks to everyone who made it possible. Mostly Merck and Co. and DeEtte.
Since returning we've been pretty normal. A few visits to the park in Ft. Dodge, and lots of friend time. Lainey and Ella had their first go at homemade edible playdough this morning. It was great. There seems to be an enhanced interested in something they've made themselves instead of merely unpacking it.
Ella had Back to School Night at Preschool. A chance to meet the teacher and check out the classroom. And for them to collect our money and papers and give us a few rules. Most of which I have to admit I didn't listen to due to the antsy, hungry, whiny baby I was holding (Mia). I think Ella'll love it. She certainly doesn't mind leaving mom behind to play with new kids and new toys.
Mia is walking full time now. Only crawls in the rare instances that she's already down and her desired destination is also low lying, or she's fervently chacing after Big Missy. It's funny to watch her go, and hard to believe just a little over a week ago she was still getting the hang of it.
Hope everyone who is back to work/school had a good summer. We're just bracing for the next onslaught of "stuff" around here. I'm up to ten plus miles at least once a week. My race is about five weeks away. I'm also signed up for the Des Moines Marathon Relay. It's a five man relay whereby the first four legs run five miles each and the anchor leg completes a 6.2 mile portion. I'm running with Heidi, the two other ladies I train with here in town and Leah. I'm way excited. And kudos to Leah for being able to do it. I'm impressed and inspired by your dedication adn committment. I'm sure you remember clearly the day you never thought you'd be able to run two miles. Cheers! I'm enjoying running, but I think I'll be glad when it's over and I can take it a little easier.
That's about it. Look for the preschool updates....should be interesting!

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