Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Pictures tell the Story

Mostly, it's true. The pictures that follow tell most of the stories that I have to tell. We've been having tons of fun lately. We did swim lessons again last week, and Ella is doing so fantastic. We're done for the year, there's no way she'll pass out of the next level, so we'll go at it again next year. She's currently swimming about five to ten yards, turning those arms just as fast as she can! She's gotten so that I don't ahev to touch her when she comes out of the big slide, she swims her way all the way to the ladder all by herself "like a big girl!" Mia might love the water even more than Ella, when I try and sit near the 0 depth area at our pool she points nad screams until I take her in to swim. She loves to chase big missy, that's her favorite!

We took Addie to swim lessons last Friday...she was tons of fun and ws even brave enough to go off the high board. Not Ella, she stuck to thet low board. It was a blast to watch this little things way up there, just walk to the end and jump.

I took the girls to the Fort Dodge for the entire day yesterday. We started out just running a few errands, but wound up getting new swim suits so we could hit the new spash park, having dinner at Applebee's and rounded out the day with a stop at Target for pull-ups and new comfies cause I was right when I thought the girls would crash as soon as we got in the car. I carried both of them in like a load of bricks when we got home. It was a fantastic day.

The running thing is going well. I pounded out a ten-miler on Saturday. I've been able to surpass the milage on my training program, and am quite happy with the pace I'm running. Omaha here I come!

Chris and I got roped into golfing in a couples best shot Saturday. It was tons of fun. I'm not so sure how Chris felt about it, I'm sure he would have rather been fishing, but I much enjoyed all the company, and for a few hours spent away from the kids it was a darn good time. Oh....yes we are TERRIBLE golfers. Im pretty sure we had one of the worst scores on the course. But we enjoyed it.

Gearing up for Mia's birthday party this week. She's doing her best to not walk until after the big day, but I'm not so sure she'll be able to hold out. She's just such a darn fast crawler. She takes a good few steps when we encourage her, but has yet to walk just because. Lazy kid. It's increadible to me how different the girls are. I knew intellectually that they would be independent and likely very different people, but it seems that more and more I'm realizing now how vastly different they are. We love each part of both of them.

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