Monday, March 3, 2008

My Babies are Getting So Big!

My apologies for the obscene delay in posting. I don't know where my time or energy goes, but I find myself collapsing at night.

There've been lots of goings on around these parts lately. Last Wednesday it would seem I completely crossed the crazy line and fashioned a fully functioning, real sand sand box in my basement for a "summer" party for the kids.

Believe it or not it all went over pretty well, as most of the sand stayed nearby the sand box (which to this day remains wrapped up in the tarp and apparantly secured to the cement floor of my basement!) We had root beer floats (or just basic ice cream for most of the kids), good times, and some good adult company.

Even the babies got into the action!

We had some great weather last week, which allowed for Ella and Delainey to get outside and enjoy the ever mounting snow we have here in central Iowa. They found some "creative" ways to enjoy the snow. And not just the bikes, either....they demanded water in the "paint" bucket. I obliged, but watched closely enough to prevent Ella from dunking her head in the water.

They turned out to be great scoopers....A task I rewarded with the opportunity to fashion their own bird feeders (I'm in to "projects"). Please try and look past the pantlessness.
That night Chris and I did some shopping at the "Western Edge" in Ames in order to properly outfit outselves for Jaime and Trevor's HoDown! A hat for each of us, boots for Chris and a shirt for me. Ella was kind enough to try out my hat for me....what do you think?
Thursday night was Chris and I's first date night in who knows how long....we called up our babysitter of choice - Nick from across the street - and, Webster City Bucks in tow (refernce previous post to discover origination of said "bucks"), the two of us took ourselves down the Second Street Emporium and had a fabulous, quiet dinner. Dinner was absolutely fantastic, and I so enjoyed an evening with my husband whom I adore, and don't spend nearly enough time with.
The night is darkened only because we went home and I fell in bed with what was the start of 36 hours of fever, headache and sore throat. Thank God that we have fabuslous friends and I had multiple optoins for child care on Friday because this kid was surely not caring for her kids. I slept pretty much straight through until Saturday morning, at which point I decided enough was enough and I was going on with life as if I was well.

We packed up the "Merck-sadies" (did ya catch the play on words?) and traveresed the Iowan landscape once again in order to attend the aforementioned HoDown. What a great time we had. The kiddos all stayed at the Harms' because Mattie was having a "party" and we adults did the same. What fun. We square danced for a full hour, which until you've done it doens't sound like such a big deal. Everyone agreed it was a full on workout. No wonder cowgirls are skinny....this is what they do for fun! It was great to see everyone, and we couldn't be happier for Trevor and Jaime. We are reliant on Frosty for pictures, so until then....use your imagination.

And speaking of the "Happies..." CONGRATS and constant prayers to Seth and Linsey. They are expecting Matie's baby sibling in September. I have found that of all the things in the world to be horrible at, I am bad at constant prayer. But this has thrust upon me the perfect reason to practice this discipline. I have determined that with each thought of your precious gift I will offer an immediate and very conscious prayer for all four of you.

We stayed with Seth and Linz after the shower and what fun it was to find Mattie and Ella waking up in the same bed and chatting. Again, pictures will have to follow when someone is kind enough to send them to me.

Now...concerning the title of this post. We attended an Open House for Ella's Preschool tonight. That's right, our baby is going to be starting preschool in the fall. How much fun is this?!? It was great. I have no false hopes that preschool will somehow change my kids' lives, or establish their paths forever, setting them on the fast track to success...but I am SO glad Ella will be attending next year. I'm not a big believer in preschool insofar as today's culture is putting all it's hopes and dreams in the choice of preschool for their children. Let's not lie....she's 3! But I so think Miss L needs to learn to sit in circle time, and stand in line, and God Help Me if she would please LISTEN!!! :) Just kidding, but I'm excited for her to experience the classroom setting. I am grateful that we have an opportunity to send our kids to a preschool where I know the teacher will love them (she babysits for us does her son). What an exciting time.

And Mia, well Mia continues to attempt movement, she's still stuck on moving in circles, although her circles seem to be getting MUCH quicker and MUCH more determinate. She's also started babbling quite a bit...."mamamamamama and dadadadada" mostly with a few "bababababa" and the occasional "geeeeee" thrown in for good measure and to remind us that she has not yet found a label for her mother and father. She's into feeding herself, which means I give her a wheel during meals to convince her she's playing an active part in her nurishment.

That must be it for the Web City report. Hope you endured the drought, and that this flood that follows was both adequate and short of overwhelming! The closing is my first attempt at uploading a movie....I still don't have what I need to transfer from my video recorder so these are just from my still camera, I thusly offer my regrets concerning quality.

1 comment:

Dave, Nichole & Phoebe said...

Wow you keep busy! Isn't it amazing how creatures so tiny can control your whole entire life?? Hope you're feeling better. I love checking in to see how big the girls have gotten.