Monday, June 30, 2008

Awesome Weekend

We had our first weekend at home in what seems like quite a while....and it was one of the most fantastic three days I've had. We spent all day Friday with friends. had Heidi and the little kids (Addie and Matthew) over for a spell in the morning, then acquired Delainey at lunch time. I took the girls and Lainey to the pool at 1 and met up with Heidi and the kids. There was a time at which I was at hte pool alone with three three year old girls and Mia! The girls all had lots of fun....they are getting to be great swimmers! L can now put her face down in the water, kick and swing her arms like carzy and it almost looks like she's swimming! She's totally soured to the slide this summer though, she doesn't so much seem afraid of it as she just doesn't like it. She can't seem to remain sitting so at hte first turn she gets flipped to her belly and comes down feet first. She loved it last year, but not so much now. Eitherway.....

Friday night Chris and I left the girls under the care of the big kids at Tesdahl's and went wtih Jim and Heidi to the Japanese steakhouse in Ames. It was a great time, and was un to be alone fora night.

Saturday was the Raspberry festival here in town, we went for pancakes in the morning, then back in the evening for inflatable bounce houses and slides. We also managed to stay for fireworks at 10:30 (Mia fell asleep in the stroller). It was fun to take part in a local event, and the girls had a weeks worth of fun on the slide. It was windy, and rained intermittenly, but the nice cool weather was actually quite nice.

Yesterday I awoke to breakfast in bed (my husband loves me) - and chilled with Ella watching cartoons for a bit. I also managed to put a coat of primer and two coats of paint on the hallway wall, Chris mowed, we cleaned my car, took the girls to the park and the pool and went for a family walk in the evening. Not bad if you ask me. I finished out the weekend sitting on the swing we got Chris for father's day and assembled on Saturday. Fantastic.

This morning I've run nearly four miles and am listening to Chris and Mia have breakfast. It's 6:05 and I was hoping she'd at least sleep long enough for me to get a few loads of laundry going, but alas....she doesn't seem to care about dirty clothes!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We Love The Lake!!!

Ella and Papa Play "Across" the Lake

We're moving to the lake

Well...not really. Especially since we haven't exactly cleared it with the owners and Chris till works in Iowa and all. But man would I love to. It's so darn nice there. The girls love it. I love it. Chris took off last week Thursday and Friday to work out there so we got to spend a four day weekend. I don't think I've been to the cabin when I didn't beg to stay just one more day when our time came due. Chris was able to help out a lot, and I got another chance to do some work too, which I always enjoy. Mostly though the girls and I played at the beach. Here's the girls schedule out there: Up at the water around 9, up for lunch at 11...take a rest, nap for Mia....back to the water at 2 or so....dinner at 6, asleep by 7.

Mia LOVES the water. Potentially even more than L. I'm pretty sure both of them have gills though. I put Mia down in the sand about fifteen feet or so from the lake and she's straight into the water. Sits, splashes and crawls around. Mostly though she really likes to "swim" with an adult. We put her in a life jacket at one point and let her float around. She kicked like a frog for a bit. She's so dang cute.

Ella took her first steps to skiing. There's a ski trainer board out there, it's shaped sort of like a knee board but is split in the back and has spots for your feet. She stood there and held the rope, leaning back just like you're supposed to and I pulled her through the water. She did great. The plan was to get her up behind the jet ski but we didn't have a driver. Next time.

Our family was reduced by one member yesterday....I got rid of the cat. He was a mostly good cat, but I didn't care to take care of one more being...I already have two kids and a dog whom my husband thinks should be treated as another child, and I was done with the cat. So he went to the rescue. Ella wasn't too keen on the idea, but doesn't really notice.

We're going to story time this morning, then tumbling tonight. Ella loved it last week. It was too cute watching her run around out there. I was impressed with how well she followed directions.

We have a few parties this weekend, and then back to the cabin next week for the fourth and Chris's big weigh-in. He's been increadible, has lost nearly 40 pounds. He looks great, but more importantly feels better and is generally healthier. What an inspiration. He's been unbelievably dedicated, and has changed his lifestyle in the hopes that he's a healthier guy for all of us.

The house is still a mess - there were a few high spots when we put the new floor in due to warped sub-flooring, but my master contractor Shawn leveled everything out and it looks great. He'll continue to work on the closet this week. Hopefully I'll be able to report a finished project soon.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Despite Chris being away for a fishing trip (not a bad gift if you ask me) Father's day has come and gone. Funny how the world goes on without our input. Although we missed daddy (Ella has told me numerous times since Chris left "I just want my daddy") the girls and I had a pretty great weekend.

Friday night was Addie's birthday party. So freaking crazy to me the grils are all turning 3!!! It was at the tumbling and trampoline center in town and Ella took right to it. She's already signed up for classes, the first of which is this Tuesday at 5:30. She'll go once a week for about 45 minutes. I'm so excited for her to start. I think she'll love it.

On Saturday we did a few chores in the morning.... painted a bench we've been meaning to refinish and mowed the lawn. Mia snoozed while I did the mowing and Ella played with Chase (2+) and Brandon (3rd grade?). They are neighbors through our back yard, and I'm trying to do a better job of trekking through our yards to say hi. Ella seemed to have great fun with the boys, and I got to power mow quick so it was a successful morning. After Miss Mia awoke I borrowed Heidi's stroller and started what would be a 5 hour or so trip away from home. We walked across town to Hy-Vee for burgers at the picnic tables (across town is a little over a mile in my town). Then we back-tracked a little to the swimming pool and played for a good few hours. After swimming we stopped for sno-cones down the street. Ella's a girl after my own heart. After sucking down her entire small she asked me "Mama? Is your's gone?" "No peanut, I still have some left..." "Can I finish it?" I love sno-cones. We stopped at a grade school park on the way home and finally made it back around dinner time. It was a fantastic day....I only wish Chris had been with us.

Today was a trip to Ames for church, then to Lowes and lunch at Fazoli's before walking around the mall for a while. Bargfrede's were kind enough to invite us to their father's day dinner at Grandma Terri's. Which was lots of fun, even if it started with a bit of a shock. Ella, Mia and I were walking to dinner the long way around the block. When we were in front of Bargfrede's backdoor neighbors I told Ella she could run through the yards to Grandma's and I'd walk around with Mia and meet her there. She though that would be cool and took off. But when I got there Ella hadn't made it. We found her a few minutes later two houses away, and I knew she couldn't have gone far, but my heart raced momentarily. I was grateful to live in afamily community in a small town at that moment....that's for sure. Dinner was nice though and it was good to share some good company.

The bad news of the weekend is that my papa is in the icu fighting excess fluid who knows where. They tell us he'll go home tomorrow, and he has had no heart attack or damage of any sort. He's having a hard time getting oxygen, and is feeling pretty weak. Chris was able to stop up to the hospital and talk to him. The girls and I are going to the cabin for the weekend with Chris later this week and I plan to take a day to go into Fremont and hang with him and my grandma for a while.

Since I've spent the weekend hanging with the girls and laying dead in front of the tv after putting them to bed I must now go tackle the mountain that is my laundry. Hope you all had fantastic father's days and were able to spend them with the ones you love and cherish.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Found the Camera!!!

As you can see the camera has surfaced! We're suprisingly dry here in central iowa....the Eastern portion of our town, that part closer to the river, is mostly underwater, but we've stayed completely dry with no issues. Seeing the water is completely crazy...I can only imagine what the more hard hit areas look like.

Chris is gone for the with the guys at Lake McConehay (no...I don't know how to spell it). The girls and I are here enduring the remodeling of the house and spending a quiet weekend at home. Hope you're all doing well and staying safe and dry out there.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wonderful Vacations

If only I could say I am overly relaxed! We've had a two vacations of late - an almost two week stint at the cabin, and a weekend in Kansas City for Mia and I - both of which were exceptional.

Our week plus trip to the cabin was unspeakably relaxing. The weather was great both weekends, and the week in between was mostly good - good enough at least that the girls got to spend at least a little time each day by the water. Ella could live there! Chris and I both had a chance to put our stamp on the "making of Big Shots." It wasn't the first time Chris has put his effort in, and he spent the greater part of his time there working. I did a few nights worth of painting and was glad to have the chance to help. Chris also added in the most physically strenuous job of the week by reshaping the beach near the porch to help stave off erosion. It looked great when he was done with it. While we were there we got to spend time with family and friends nad elebrate Myles's first birthday. Hard to believe...

We got back on Tuesday evening to find our first floor about 1/2 refloored (I love Shawn Moran). It looks great. He has since finished flooring the kitchen, living room , and hallway. Chris and I have taken the carpet out of our bedroom and closet and tore the floor out of the old laundry room. I started tearing the sheetrock off the wall in there tonight. Too. Much. Fun.

The Kansas City trip was great. Mia was a trooper. We shopped until we both dropped, ate great food and spent much time with good company. Mia and My's trip to Kansas City was a weekend with Dad for Ella. They went to Okoboji on Saturday, had a picnic and watched the boats pass under the bridge. They also did lots of work around the house, took a trip to Des Moines for dinner at Outback (upon recieving the check Ella tells Chris "Daddy we need to go to Starbucks....get a coffee!"). They had a great time together I'm sure.

Since our return Sunday night we haven't much left the walls of our house, mostly on account of both girls ahve been sick. Both running a light fever adn kind of cranky/tired. Ella capped her sickness this morning with her first "real" puking episode. The sweet thing was just standing there like it was no big deal. Then she kept telling me all day long... "I threw up in your bed!" Like it was a badge of honor or something.

I wish I had pictures to post, but alas I have no clue where my camera is. And given that my bedroom is currently located in my bathroom, the hall way and the living room I don't think I'll be finding it any time soon. When I do, I'll post. Until then....