Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We're moving to the lake

Well...not really. Especially since we haven't exactly cleared it with the owners and Chris till works in Iowa and all. But man would I love to. It's so darn nice there. The girls love it. I love it. Chris took off last week Thursday and Friday to work out there so we got to spend a four day weekend. I don't think I've been to the cabin when I didn't beg to stay just one more day when our time came due. Chris was able to help out a lot, and I got another chance to do some work too, which I always enjoy. Mostly though the girls and I played at the beach. Here's the girls schedule out there: Up at 7...by the water around 9, up for lunch at 11...take a rest, nap for Mia....back to the water at 2 or so....dinner at 6, asleep by 7.

Mia LOVES the water. Potentially even more than L. I'm pretty sure both of them have gills though. I put Mia down in the sand about fifteen feet or so from the lake and she's straight into the water. Sits, splashes and crawls around. Mostly though she really likes to "swim" with an adult. We put her in a life jacket at one point and let her float around. She kicked like a frog for a bit. She's so dang cute.

Ella took her first steps to skiing. There's a ski trainer board out there, it's shaped sort of like a knee board but is split in the back and has spots for your feet. She stood there and held the rope, leaning back just like you're supposed to and I pulled her through the water. She did great. The plan was to get her up behind the jet ski but we didn't have a driver. Next time.

Our family was reduced by one member yesterday....I got rid of the cat. He was a mostly good cat, but I didn't care to take care of one more being...I already have two kids and a dog whom my husband thinks should be treated as another child, and I was done with the cat. So he went to the rescue. Ella wasn't too keen on the idea, but doesn't really notice.

We're going to story time this morning, then tumbling tonight. Ella loved it last week. It was too cute watching her run around out there. I was impressed with how well she followed directions.

We have a few parties this weekend, and then back to the cabin next week for the fourth and Chris's big weigh-in. He's been increadible, has lost nearly 40 pounds. He looks great, but more importantly feels better and is generally healthier. What an inspiration. He's been unbelievably dedicated, and has changed his lifestyle in the hopes that he's a healthier guy for all of us.

The house is still a mess - there were a few high spots when we put the new floor in due to warped sub-flooring, but my master contractor Shawn leveled everything out and it looks great. He'll continue to work on the closet this week. Hopefully I'll be able to report a finished project soon.

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