Monday, August 20, 2007

The Ministry of Music

I've decided if I could have any one talent that I don't have it would be musical. Specifically songwriting. I am continually amazed at songwriters' abilities to put into words what my heart so often feels. For today we'll talk about this one...

Mark Schultz; Broken and Beautiful:
It's beautiful
Come as you are
Surrender your heart
Broken and beautiful...
Cause there's nothing more beautiful to God
Than when his sons and daughters come

How amazing is it to me that there truly is nothing more fabulous to God than when we present ourselves to Him broken. Not prideful, not in strength, not whole...but broken. I've tried to come before Him whole, and I know for certain from the times that I've come before Him broken that His strength really is made perfect in our weakness....
Thank you to everyone who helped me see this, and to everyone who stood beside me when I thought it better to come whole. You are all why I am where I am today, why I can walk beside Jesus and know He loves me wholly as I am.

Just a few new pics to share. Not much else going on around here.

I survived my first full day alone with the girls. True to form after three nights of sleeping from 9-2 then 2-6 while dad was home to help out in the mornings, the morning he's gone she didn't go back to sleep after eating at 2 for a good hour plus, and was up three times after that before seven. Ah well.

They were both super good during the day. Ella can now sing her abc's start to finish - although she has a tendency to run lmnop into one noise, she skips "r" and misses "tuv" but other than that she's golden! We spent the afternoon at the park with all of our friends. After four days of rain it was nice to have a sunny afternoon.

Chris caught a grasshopper and a cricket for Ella almost four days ago...and they're still alive in her bug box. Good job dad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are wise beyond your years! After reading this feel like I don't have to do my devotional for the day . . . thanks for that!! Glad you guys made it home safely, and also so excited that we will see you again this weekend:)