Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Still Waiting

We're two days from the official due date, but about 5 weeks ago I somehow got it in my head that the 10th was a Wednesday (thus today), so I feel as if someone has added two days to my gestation, and that today should, in fact, be my due date. Alas, even if it were...

We hit the library yesterday morning and the lady in the children's area told me she honestly thought I was going to have the baby last week...

I take some consolation in the fact Mattie was just as stubbon, but I'm not having to deal with what Lins dealt with - it's a wonder Mattie didn't fall out.

Ella and I made cookies Monday afternoon...

and it turns out Jaime was right....Sugar makes you tired!!!

We haven't really decided what to do today, the coffee shop in town is closed cause they're on vacation (soon I'll post about how much I LOVE my little town), so we might have to make a trip into the Dodger for a Starbucks and maybe get Ella a new puzzle or book or something.

Hope those of you in Huskerville are remaining on dry ground - I'm hoping upon hope that the storm doesn't break up before it gets to us.

On a completely unrelated note, I find it repulsive that the "powers that be" surrounding the Utah Mine collapse, are actually arguing about what happened and whose fault it is...BEFORE they have made any progress rescuing the folks trapped inside the earth. Let's see if we can't get these people out and then fight about whose fault it is.

And Chris tells me he heard that the latest congressional approval rating came out and is the lowest ever....3%...with a margin of error of 3%. My disclaimer is I have NO CLUE where he heard this, he listens to podcasts of conservative talk radio and calls me hourly or so to tell me what he's heard. Disclaimer or not I think it's funny.

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