Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Things I Love

1. My husband....he's an increadible blessing - a spectacular father and caring husband. Last night when I laid Mia on the bed at 5:00 a.m. so I could pee in the middle of her early morning snack, he popped right up, held her in his arms and, when she crapped, never thought twice about getting up to change the diaper. Even though I was already up with her. And this afternoon when he wanted to take advantage of having a day off to take care of some personal items, he took Ella with him (again, sans prompting) so I could spend some time alone with Mia (and as it turns out, get some rest). He's not afraid to get on his hands and knees and play with his girls, fixes Ella's dinner, is in charge of bath EVERY night, and stares at his new baby girl like she's the most precious thing to ever enter his life. I just hope he's not angry with me for emmasculating him publicly! :)

2. My town...I'll admit I was a bit leary of moving to a town of less than 8,000....but we've undoubtedly found ourselves in a perfect place for this leg of our lives. We may not always live in a small town, but right now I love it. I love that before Mia was born we had more offers than we can count to take care of Ella when we needed to go to the hospital....and that when one of my friends needed to go out of town for familial reasons, her mother offered to help - even though I've only even met her three times. We live in a place where no one locks their doors, not because they don't feel they need to, but because one of their friends, or kids' friends may need something from their house and no one wants to shut out anyone else. When we leave Ella with a friend or babysitter it is not uncommon to have to "find" them when we get home because someone else's mom/dad/brother/etc. was willing to help out - and I know I can trust every single one of them. It is quite common for another family to show up at our door step and say "we're taking Ella to the park." I got a suprise phone call in the hospital offering congratulations from someone who "heard" we'd delivered. We had one visitor to see Mia before we got her in the house, another within about fifteen minutes, and in the last three days have had a bushel of corn, a bag of cucumbers and onions and a freshly baked apple pie delivered to our house. The doctors in this town make house calls if you need it, and freely give out their cell phone number. I love my little town.

3. That even though it would be nice to sleep a little, it's kind of nice that Ella got up at 7 and Mia slept until 9...Chris and I were able to spend the morning just chilling with Ella. I think it's good that she got some really personal attention from both of us together. After Mia did wake up, and we got her fed and...well...back to sleep, Ella and I went to the library. It was nice to have quality time with her - and since Chris took her for errands this afternoon we both got to see her alone today.

4. Middle of the night feedings...again, a little sleep would be nice, but she'll figure it out eventually, and for now, when it's dark and everyone else is asleep, I get to be with Mia. She's tiny and perfect....and she happens to be the loudest eater ever! :)

Mia had her first at-home bath tonight....Mia used half the sink, Ella the other. She was awesome, and CRASHED as soon as we got her dried and dressed. Ella continues to do awesome - and the novelty of having a little sister has yet to wear off. Mia's the first person she asks about when she wakes up, comes home, or has a toy to share. She may yet turn out to be a good helper...she ran upstairs to fetch a diaper for me today (the cookie monster kind) and likes to help clean Mia's belly-button (which, for the record, God is making better). The actual fetching of the diaper was not a full success, but when I found that it was because she had taken herself to the bathroom I wasn't so concerned about the diaper anymore! :) My attentions are not so much taken up by needing to keep Ella (or Mia for that matter) entertained and/or busy, but making sure Mia is safe! :) As much as she loves her, Ella tends to be a bull in a china closet.

Chris starts back to work tomorrow, which is a bit scarry for me, given that tomorrow will be my first morning alone with the both of them. My saving grace is that DeEtte is coming back to rescue me...hopefully before noon!!! :)

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