Monday, August 6, 2007

My First Time

This is officially my first time having or posting a blog. I figured it might just be a good way to let you all keep in touch with what's going on in my (and by "my" I mean "my kids'" lives). So if all works out I'll put up pictures and tell funny stories, all of which you can access on your own time as often as you wish.

You most likely know that at print time I still only have one kid at home....the other is content to reside in my belly. We're due in four days, but this one just might wait it out a few extra like Ella did.

The one kid I do have at home is currently refusing to nap - hosting what sounds like a party in her room - but at this point I've decided so long as she's leaving me alone, I'm happy with her....or maybe not (cue toilet flushing upstairs). Aye aye aye.

It appears my life has officially been hijacked by a toddler.

1 comment:

Esue said...

Welcome to the world o' blog. Can't wait to see the pics and stories...a post is on the way...on a quiet day I can hear it coming.