Friday, August 17, 2007

Small Victories

The last few days have been a series of small victories for the Hansen family. First Miss Mia seems to have established a pseudo-schedule (which I am confident she will alter w/in the next five hours). This pseudo-schedule includes a meal around 9:30 p.m. and no more feedings until 2. So while it means I'm going to bed early I'm getting at least some sleep. Also...although she has been waking up to come see mom in the middle of the night, Ella finally slept in a bit this morning - first time since we brought Mia home!

I got to go for a run this was awesome. I was VERY slow and it was just over 3/4 of a mile, so not very far, but then the title of this post isn't Major Accomplishments now is it! :) I had expected to get a few hundred yards before I'd have to walk! I felt ridiculously out of shape, but I did manage to finish!

Today is the second day in a row I have showered! This may not seem like much, but on Wednesday my mom asked me if I was exhausted to which I confidently replied "Nah...I feel great!" It was only a few hours later and after 9:00 p.m. that I realized not only had I not showered, but I was still wearing the shorts I had worn all day Tuesday. Ouch. Turns out I was a little tired.

Most importantly, though, it would seem we have all successfully sustained life for a full week! Woo Hoo!

Chris is off today, and we're enjoying an afternoon of quiet. He managed to get Ella to nap and is planning on taking her to the pool when she wakes - which means another hour of peace and Mia bonding for mom!

These pics are from Frosty's camera...Enjoy!

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