Monday, October 15, 2007

Another One Down...

Surviving Monday following a weekend trip is always tough, but we've made it. The girls were the cutest sisters to be found in downtown Lincoln Saturday. We searched high and low Friday for the perfect outfits and I think we found them. Chris and DeEtte are quite happy I went looking cause the default was going to be cheerleading outfits and they were none to happy about that. Ella and Bergen took the Children's museum by storm after Frost's pre-slaughter party, but the festivities were cut short by a puddle of pee curtsey of Ella.

Indoor Playground has been opened again, and Ella had the chance to run around with some buddies this morning, which is always good. And mom likes that it isn't at her house. I've decided to institute a new option at indoor playground whereby at 10:30 someone gets to leave their children under the care of whoever else is there and make a coffee run. I'm brilliant right?

As it is Monday we took the girls swimming - Mia seems ot be taking to the water quite well....didn't even have to work through the tears this time. The post-swim shower in the locker room is not her favorite however. She's chugging along though, has a beaming smile, and looks anxious to start exhibiting control over her muscles.

Vera did great - she flew through surgery with flying colors. We all know the tough part is yet to come, given rehab and all, but we'll be pulling for her every step of the way.

Concerning the firing of Steve Peterson: I say don't let the door hit you... Ella would say "See you later aligator!"

For my parting thoughts: I hijacked a few songs from the playlists E and some of her friends were so kind as to share. Among them is "My Humps"...turns out it's a great workout song, although it sort of makes me want to move it which always ends up making me laugh cause my humps have no business on the dance floor. :)

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