Thursday, October 11, 2007

Go Get 'Em Old Grandma!!!

Our good friend Vera Seale is having hip replacement surgery today. She's 88 years old. How increadible is she? I say go get 'em Old Grandma!

Did you ever wake up and realize it's a week later? And no one asked you if it was alright that time kept moving? That's how I feel. All of a sudden Ella's two, Mia's 9 weeks old, the OSU game is already here and were three full episodes into the new season of Grey's.

We had an awesome week to follow up our visit from Granny and Grandpa. Monday night is family swim night at the local rec center and we took the girls for the second week in a row. After forgetting the camera for Mia's first dip we documented her second experience in the pool. It took a little bit, but she wound up enjoying the relaxing waters.

On Tuesday morning Addie and Laney brought their little brothers over, along with Trey and Bailey, to decorate pumpkins to take to the Senior Center in town. The girls were so good at the senior center and the residents loved adoring the babies, and some of them even held the little ones.
Grandma Terri and I took the kids to McDonald's for lunch where Chris and I are desperately trying to win Monopoly. I figure we've got a leg up on the lottery w/ Monopoly as our ridiculous attempts to win at least leave us full despite the poor nurishment.
In the afternoon we dropped L with Laney and the crew to take Mia to her 2 month well check. She's growing just fine (13lbs 2 oz) and seems quite healthy. She was not so fond of the shots, but is adjusting alright and didn't seem to have any major reactions.

After Mia's visit we picked L up and went to Nick's football game. Nick is our 7th grade neighbor and Ella's FAVORITE babysitter. He's also the starting's like living next to royalty! Tuesday evening was the first meeting of girl's night, which we hosted. Heidi brought food and a bunch of our friends all brought good converstaion and NO KIDS!!! Turns out that for many of us it was the first time we'd allowed ourselves the indulgence of just hanging out with other ladies for no good reason except the company. We've decided to get together bi-weekly so as to maintain our sanity.

Nana came Wednesday night to haul us back to Lincoln, where we are currently posting from. Ella has already played with Bergen and Mia is content to be dragged along. The weekend proves to be plenty exciting with the Smith Barney Pre-Game party Saturday morning. The game starts at 11:15am, so the whole of Lincoln will be setting the alarm clocks so as to be properly "hydrated" for kick-off!

And to new favorite picture of the girls...thanks to Granny for the matching comfies!!!


Anonymous said...

Why is Ella crying so hard in the picture by the table?

My Two Kids said...

Hard to say....we think her finger got pinched between a push-in piece and the pumpkin. It lasted all of five seconds.