Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Light Fixtures and Lotion

Lots to report from the Hansen camp. This week has been crazy and it's so hard to believe it's already Thursday! The Hansen's come either tomorrow night or Friday morning, it seemed like it would be forever before that got here! We're excited for them to see the girls....Ella's just gaining craziness by the day, but Mia is changing so much!!!

Our week started with a bang....quite literally. We woke up to discover the hall/laundry room breaker tripped and upon resetting it blew out the fixture. Truth is I probably had bulbs that exceeded the recommended wattage in the fixture and burnt it out. But at this point we had to be concerned about an electrical fire and if it is possibly smoldering in the attic. So trek next door to the neighbors to get a ladder and Chris checks the fire. Remove the fixture and into the shower so we can get to the two building supply stores in town before lunch, because if they don't have anything we need/want we have to go to Fort Dodge at some point. As soon as L and I got out of the shower Mia started crying. Ella's bed was stripped, there were clothes/blankets/dolls/etc. peppered all over her room and the living room cause I had to ignore her once Mia started wailing. Ella's was naked for about an hour and a half, I just got back in the clothes I wore Sunday, and Mia was in a diaper wrapped in a blanket. After a little less than two hours of chaos Mia stopped crying to crap for about 60 straight seconds....only to break for a minute and do so again! I'd cry too baby girl. The day actually wound up pretty good...we got to make banana bread at Grandma Terri's again and the girls played well into the afternoon.

My only complaint about the day and subsequent morning is that in 24 hours I changed Ella's sheets three times. After taking herself to the bathroom at Laney's every hour or so she came home, climbed on her bed, and peed. Then she leaked through her diaper Tuesday morning....I guess that's what I get for buying cheap ass Hy-Vee brand diapers eh? Things have been uphill since then. Tuesday is library day and we had a great fell on a perfect day as it stormed all day. This morning we finally made the trip to Fort Dodge to replace the light fixture. We did that, as well as spent a few hours playing in the playplace at McDonald's. We had a very welcomed surprise while we were there as Chris was making a few calls in town and was able to have lunch with us! Yeah daddy!!!

Mia is doing amazing things, at least as far as her mother is concerned. Her little personality is developing so much, she's such a smiler!!! She's ticklish too, and loves it. She's started supporting her weight on her legs when we hold her up and is even pushing up quite a bit when she's into it. I love all this first year, so much development, so much change!

Chris is at his fantasy football league trade night tonight so I gave the girls a bath...tons of fun, but this is what happens when there's only one parent available and Ella takes herself downstairs after her bath while I got Mia in pjs:

That's right, you're seeing lotion ALL OVER my child, including in her hair. Aye aye aye child!

Thank God Mia was content to do this:

What a little angel!

All in all we're doing well, Hansen's this week, Oklahoma State game next week, then we're off until we make the trip to Texas at the beginning of November. With so much going on we approach it like any good athlete would....don't overlook this week for next. So for now we're focused on our visit form Granny and Grandpa - can't wait!!!

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