Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mia's Milestones!!!!!!

I have new pictures but wanted to share a few things and don't really have the time for the picture editing/posting thing right now. Mia has hit some huge milestones recently. She is proficiently sitting, even sitting and looking around! It's opened up a whole new world of freedom for her in terms of playing wiht toys and watching the world around her.
She is also starting to roll with a little more vigor. She had rolled over both way a few months back but then stopped completely, stubbornly wailing until mom or dad chose a new position for her...lately though she's picked it up a bit more and will occasionally belly play if I lay her down on her back. She's also started flipping herself at bedtime and sleeping on her belly's so cute! The first few times made mom a little nervous, but I'm getting used to it. If only she'd graduate to all night sleeping!
Also in the gross motor realm she is now able to support herself if she is properly placed holding onto a chair, the couch, etc. And we're working on pushing a little cart deal. She is much more partial to standing and "walking" than she is sitting, which makes mom's back a bit sore - if self-movement doesn't come soon I'll be hurtin'!!!
And finally...little missy has a tooth! It's a sharp jagged little thing that makes for an awful sensation when she chews on your finger, but it's there nonetheless. Looks like she'lll be munching nuggets and fries like her big sister soon!
Ella's good too, it's been freaking cold lately so we've put in a good few days of inside play...which is fine considering we're still trying out all the new Christmas toys. DeEtte came to visit for a few days last week which was great fun - she got to join us for our trip to the nursing home and see how great it is for the girls.
On a personal note I picked up a few "mom and baby" workout videos at Target recently and have been trying to get some exercise in with the girls. This has resulted in moderate success, but mostly in doing abs with the girls piled on my legs and pushups with Ella riding on my back. Holy hard! Lori Ulferts has got nothing on my girls!!!
Hope you're having great January's....Baby Anderson should be making her debut soon!!!! WE CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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