Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Pretty Much the Entire Month of December

I'd be remiss if I didn't open this post with an apology regarding the lack of recent updates. Apparantly I've been overtaken by the holidays...as it is now January 1, 2008 I get to start anew, however, and am back on board! :)

Lots has happened since my last spotting here - we celebrated Christmas and New Years and Mia hit a few milestones - most noticably sitting up! She still seems to be on track with Ella concerning hair growth, however, and we look to be raising a second fuzz head.

We traveled to both Wisconsin and Nebraska for Christmas, and though we spent a decent amount of time in the car it was time well spent and we are glad to have done it.
We had our family Christmas in Webster City on Wednesday before the "real" Christmas - The girls each got two toys - blocks and the "Busy Ball Choo Choo" for Mia and a toddler sized magnetic building set and a Doodle Pro for Ella. Ella loved it all and Mia was content to gnaw at whatever we put within arms reach of her! :) We packed up the car the next morning and headed out to Racine to spend a few days with the Hansens. We had a great time, and were able to spend a few relaxing days with friends and relatives. Granny and Grandpa, along with Scott and Heather lavished the girls with gifts...Ella donned a new outfit immediately upon opening it and properly littered the floor with wrapping paper, packaging and like items. It was a huge success! A suprise gift allowed Chris and I to leave the girls behind for an evening with Uncle Scott and Aunt Heather and see a movie and enjoy adult conversation over dinner.
We packed everything up Sunday morning and braved the windy roads, traversing the entire state of Iowa to spend Christmas eve and day with the Anderson and Gifford clans. Gran and Lucky were at my parents house to welcome our arrival to Lincoln Sunday evening. We were sad to not have been able to spend more time with our Venhaus family but look forward to an upcoming celebration sometime soon. Christmas eve day was a visit from E and lots of play time with Bergen. We went to early church and opened gifts that afternoon/evening. Again our family was increadibly generous and we are beyond words with gratitude.
Given the gift opening extravaganza on the 24th we were able to sleep in (a little) on Christmas day before brunch with Giff, Betsy and Berg. Christmas dinner was in Fremont at my Nana and Papa's with the entire Nebraska residing Gifford clan. The little kids were such fun to watch and provided constant entertainment for the adults. Well...the little kids and Frosty, who is inevitably at the center of the chaos! :) Thanks to Nana and Papa for having us, we love every second we get to spend with you and count ourselves blessed that you are in our lives.

With the Christmas holiday behind us we pressed on to New Years which we spent in Storm Lake, IA at the indoor water park. SO MUCH FUN! It was a great time spent with friends from in town and the girls were like little fish. Ella has taken to jumping in without an adult to catch her - although she sometimes forgets to wait for one to enter the water so as to retrieve her! We talked about making sure to tell a grownup when she panned on submerging herself in water deeper than she is tall....it went in one ear and out the other...Constant Viligance! Mia was a fab little swimmer herself - and has taken to the dunk pretty well. The slides were a favorite of Ella's as always. My favorite part was that I was able to go to bed well before the midnight bells rang as I always aspire to do and Chris was able to party with the adults until well after the new year began.

We're home now and are hoping to find some rest sometime - not likely! Wew are anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby girl Anderson (due Jan. 23) and have a trip planned to Nebraska's capital city over the weeked of the 26th to meet our new little niece and cousin and celebrate Giff's birthday.

If the slideshow of pictures isn't yet posted, my apologies....tough to say when I'll get enough time to post the obscene amounts of photos I've neglected displaying in the past month...

God's Blessings to all of you and hope that you enjoyed your Christmas and New Year's.

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