Thursday, August 9, 2007

You're Joking Right?

What the heck does a pregnant woman need with a broken toilet handle? No worries, though, Shoppers Supply opens at 7:00 am and I had it replaced by 7:20 am. Before my husband was out of bed. Now if I could just figure out a way to take care of the short circuit my washing machine seems to have...

The bad news is I spent a decent portion of last night awake - first because at roughly 2am Ella decided my bed would be more comfy than hers. The good news is there were a few subsequent times thereafter because MAYBE we're creeping closer to actually having this baby. I have an appointment at noon today so we'll have to see what the doc. thinks.

I did end up taking the peanut to Fort Dodge yesterday (Starbucks....Yea!!!!) - we decided to go to the "zoo" there for a little goat feeding and outdoor activity. The goats got a good few handfulls of Cheerios before we walked down to see the deer. Deer that I didn't know existed but that Ella spotted ("Horsey!") as we pulled into the park - this zoo, is less a zoo and more of an enclosed animal area - half petting zoo on the weekends, half wildlife. And lo and behold when we got to the deer there was one buck (I have no clue about deer but this thing was bigger than the others and had antlers of some fashion) sleeping by a tree not a foot from the fence, and a few doe. One little doe walked right up to the fence and Ella got to feed it! How cool is that?!?! We'll definitely be doing that again soon. And next time I'll have to remember to take my camera.

Chris and I got to enjoy a nice dinner out alone last night thanks to our friends Jim and Heidi Tesdahl who offered to take Ella for dinner and bathtime. We got to relax together and have some good food - it was very much appreciated!

I'll keep you posted....hopefully sooner than later! :)
Happy Thursday to all (only seven more weeks till the Grey's Premiere!!!!)

1 comment:

Esue said...

7're counting?!?!? Will George leave, what will Cristina do without Burke, is Izzy EVER going to find love, are Derek and Meredith doomed, will M have a boy or a girl?!?!?!?!? Let's answer the last question, then we'll move on to some REAL drama! :)