Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Latest Pics of My Precious Family

Suprise Calm

Another weekend down.

We had expected a travel weekend, but it turned out we spent most of it just hanging at home. Our trip to Nebraska and concurrent dinner was great. It was great to get to see everyone and it's fun watching the kids grow up. Seems like just yesterday we were greeting Hannah and now we've got a whole slew of them. They played together quite well....Ella was a bit of a madwoman, but it's to be expected from Ella. The full speed laps around the dinner table accompanied by top of her lung singing "YOUR BACKYARD FRIENDS THE BACKYARDIGANS!!!!" eventually fell into the background like white noise. Yeah right. Mia was an angel, she fussed a little, but mostly was content to rock/bounce/or otherwise be paid attention to. Thanks to Hannah and Megan for supplying the sticker books and complete entertainment for all the kids. We're still playing with even went to church with us today.

We had originally planned on staying at Mark and Ginger's Friday night and carting the girls back home on Saturday morning, but when we left the club at 10:30 decided we might as well just make the trek all at once. And while it may have been a poor choice, and I was admittedly getting tired on the last ten miles, it was worth it when we woke up in our own bed at 8:30 Saturday morning and could chill with the girls and watch TV.

Since we felt we had a "stolen" day on Saturday I decided to take my run a little farther and see how I did. It was nice to get out for a "long" run and spend some time with no kids screaming/crying/hollering in my ears. But true to form, I was missing them by the time I got back!

Tonight was a spontaneous invitation to dinner at the Tesdahl's. They grilled burgers (pork burger for those who wanted it) and Heidi made an awesome dessert. The girls played outside most of the time, and the backyard neighbor girl was kind enough to play with them so we could enjoy some adult conversation and tend to the babies. We ended up throwing the girls in the bath together over there and we're currently trying to convince Ella that our ignoring her means she should just go to sleep! :)

Hope you enjoyed the pics....we've got a nice quiet week planned that we're capping off with a visit from the Hansen's. We look forward to a good time with Granny and Grandpa.

Friday, September 28, 2007

It's been a few days I know, but it's quiet now and I've got a few moments.
Since my last appearance I have officially joined the Webster City Running Club. And by "officially" I mean, I showed up and by "joined" I mean I ran. It's a group of what is currently guys (they've had a spattering of women in the past) who meet Tuesdays and Thursdays after work and on weekend mornings. It was good to have company on my run, and they pushed me up to the four mile mark. I'd been thinking I should try and push my milage out a bit and having people around me helped. My goal is to try and make it twice a week...once during the week and one weekend run. Then I can pepper in runs and indoor workouts in the middle and have a full workout regimine. Concerning this activity in my life I am putting out a call for workout music. If you have any good suggestions about what to put on my playlist please let me know!!!!

Mia has started smiling and cooing. She smiles just about any time she isn't fussy. And while she seems to me much more fussy than Ella was she really is a good baby. She's even thrown in a few "laughs" for me. She's holding her head up very well and will even push her chest up once in a while. When she's really determined to get her head up high when she's on her belly she throws her feet in the air too, arching her back and rocking, it cracks me up. The playmats have become interesting to her and she kicks and flails like crazy so long as the music is playing. Her most notable development, though, is her ability to forcefully crap. She lets out a grunt that rivals weightlifters. I laugh every time.

We're in Nebraska for an all-family Gifford dinner and pictures tonight in Fremont. Both of my mom's brothers, their kids and grandkids will all be present. It is a well deserved gathering for all of us, most specifically my grandparents, who are unbelievably healthy and proud of their family. We love you Great Nana and Big Papa.

Ella is having a great time - we played with Bergen both last night and this morning, it's always the highlight of Ella's trip. Papa taught her how to "climb" a will be posted upon our return home.

Most importantly, though, Grey's is back!!!!! God Bless Shonda Rhimes!

Monday, September 24, 2007

My Dad

There is one thing that never fails to get me moving on a run - the mental image of my dad, secluded and serious, alongside the course during my highschool cross country races. Most specifically, he stood about 100 yards from any other spectator and roughly 500 yards from the finish line at Pioneers. We'd crest Choo Choo hill and take a sharp left running across a flat where the crowd flanked the course. My dad was further down, just after we crossed the dirt road and before we turned to the final "u", tucked neatly in the trees. He quietly encouraged me, never failing to mention how close my nearest competition was....and the urgency in his voice never failed me when I was about to be overtaken. He was as much a part of the race as I was. I can't help but envision him there when I run, and it makes me smile...and inevetiable ends up with me sprinting to my driveway and clinging to life as I finish my workout.

My dad also made pancakes for breakfast every day I had a competition in high school. And although he doesn't remember it (he was stressed), I looked forward to it every time, and I hope someday my kids will hold such memories of Chris and I.

Kudos Frosty....Love you much.

Monday Morning Musings

Sometimes, for seemingly no reason, I'm struck with how freaking awesome my children are, and how much I love them. Today is one of those days. My life is completely changed by them and I'd have it no other way.

On a less introspective note, of all the thigns I never thought I'd do or say this one definitely tops the list: "No honey, I can wash my own crotch!"

Have a good week!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Holy Cow....6 Weeks!!!

Hard to believe it's been six weeks. I have to admit I was a bit nostalgic as I drove to Ames today - it was a little less hectic than last time, that's for sure! Mia is so awesome....still hasn't quite figured out how to sleep at night, but gives me at least one 4 hour stretch and usually another of 3 or 4. The occasional 6 ain't bad either!!!

We spent the morning making banana bread at Gramma Terri's house with Laney and Addie while Carson, Mia and Matthew slept, flailed or otherwise acted like the babies they are. It was such fun to watch the girls mash the bananas, attempt to mix and fill the loaf pans. The bread even came out pretty tasty! :) Heidi took some pictures and as soon as I get them from her I'll post them. I'm sure they're great.

Ella seems to have turned a corner in potty training. She's not completley there yet, but we're getting closer. She mostly takes herself to the bathroom...she's into "just leave me alone" and she closes the door. She told me yesterday "be right back mom" and calmly walked away. Mom: "Are you going to the bathroom"
Ella (as she looks over her shoulder at me): "Uh-huh"
Now if I could just get her to put her pants back on when she's done!!!

We have a quiet(?) weekend at home planned. Hopefully the girls will comply!


Deutronomy 28: 1,2 Now it shall be, if you diligently obey the LORD your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you obey the LORD your God..." (from the New American Standard Bible)

I remind myself daily that the "diligently obeying the LORD" part was reconciled by Jesus, which is a startling and life directing realization. But do we all notice that these blessing (which the writer goes on to list) will not just be given to us but will "overtake" us? How great must a blessing be to "overtake?" I had myself an "overtaking" this evening. I run on a trail that is alongside a small creek that runs through town. After an evening in which I'd admitedly approaced the end of my rope with Ella (my apologies sweet peanut) I rounded the curve at the bottom of the hill to watch not one, but two deer galloping through a clearing. The second stopped and looked at me, less than 75 yards away, as David Crowder Band sang "Everything Glorious" in my ears. In that moment I was flooded with the realization of the blessings in my life that, if I let them, will overtake me. And I came to realize, Seth and Bill, why it is that we stand, binoculars pressed tightly to our eyes, watching the deer from the second story of the cabin as they graze through the field. Because in that moment we have a glimpse of God's creation as He sees it. The difference is that to God, WE, my friends, are the deer, and He looks with loving amazement upon us. Yes, Lord Jesus, Everything IS, in fact, Glorious.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Back to our Crazy Daily Life...

...for a few days at least.
We're back at it after the USC weekend. Poor Huskers...turns out they're still not the national powerhouse we were hoping. That's OK, though. Their attempt to bring down number one presented us the opportunity for tons of fun. We took the kids....Ella, Mia, Bergen and Mattie to Husker Pavillion for games and outside fun in the afternoon. Bergen and Ella jumped themselves silly, and while Mattie wasn't quite as into the activities she did pose for plenty of photo ops....Even with Giff!!! As you can see from the picture of her asleep on the biggest bed ever (Frosty and DeEtte's), Husker Pavillion was too much for Ella - I expect everyone noticed Chris even donned his Husker jacket for the festivities. He and Giff braved the game while the rest of us partied the night away at Seth and Linsey's. And by "the night" I mean until about 11. Oh yeah, we're animals.

Is what happens to my girls the day after vacation! My question is this...why, then did they wake up in the first place! Probably so I could take the adorable picture.

Ella has really gotten into Play-Doh and is quite good at it. We mostly smash it flat and use cookie cutters to make shapes. We picked up Addie this morning to give Heidi a reprieve, and let her have some time to "fall in love with" Matthew. The girls played great, and, to my benefit, played hard enough for Miss Ella to take a good nap this afternoon.

Just to top it off, I'm including a few new pictures of Mia. She's a precious little thing, and she puts up with our craziness like a champ!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Big Moments

Matthew James Tesdahl joined the realm of the (sort of) aware Thursday morning. Congrats Jim, Heidi and big sister Addie!!!!

In other monumental events, Mia slept almost 8 hours last night. I didn't get to sleep fro 8 hours straight, given the crying 2 year old at 1 o'clock, and Mia had a tough time going back to sleep after such a long nap - but I won't complain. I proud of my tiny baby, and besides, I got to watch the USA/Sweden Women's World Cup game. How is it that the only goal scored during the 45 minutes I watched occured in the 30 seconds it took me to walk Mia back to her crib after she fell asleep???

On the topic of sleep: My fabulous husband offered the other night to feed Mia in the middle of the night so I could string together a more than three hours of sleep. Sadly, Ella woke up with Mia and I had to get out of bed anyhow. Soon enough my time for uninterrupted sleep will come.
We're trying to eclipse the final hurdle that is potty training with Ella. We have affixed a sticker chart to her bathroom door on which she gets to pepper stickers anytime she uses the potty. At the end of the day if she's been accident-free she gets to pick a "big" sticker with which to decorate. The first two days warranted big stickers... She peed in the shower today...any suggestions on whether or not to count it an accident...I mean, George peed in the shower - "They're all pipes!!!" :)

Mia has started smiling - and while she isn't quite smiling "at" anything just yet, it makes me melt.

5 weeks have passed since Mia was born and I must say it's increadible having two kids. I won't lie...I was scared to death, not so much of handling them logistically, but I thought for sure there was no way I could be as enamored with another as I was with L...and I was afraid of what having a baby would do to my relationship with Ella. I have come to find that the blessing of having children doesn't increase summarily - rather it seems to be of more an exponential nature. Sure, the logistics and physical care is exhausting but the return is so much greater than I could have ever imagined. I have never been quite so aware of having something that I by no means deserve, but I'll take it. My little family, flawed as we may all be, is the most amazing thing ever. For sure I know I'm blessed.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Good Luck Tesdahl Family!!!

We spent the evening with Addie Tesdahl last night, so that Jim and Heidi could have a "last supper," as it were, before the birth of their new baby - returning the favor the Tesdahl's gave us before Mia arrived. Heidi is being induced tomorrow - Good Luck! Addie and Ella had a great time - they played in the sandbox,
with the hose,
and spent a good bit of time in the bathroom.
Who knew going potty was such a social experience.
Miss Mia was resigned to chill in the bouncer, and seemed to enjoy her spot on the deck.

We were very glad to have Addie and are excited to welcome their new addition.

In other news, we're officially back on the move again. After our trip to Nebraska last weekend we have committed to a variety of exciting opportunities in the coming months. On the books are a few Husker games, an all-family Gifford dinner, a trip to Texas, a wedding in Minnesota (to which I am merely hoping I am invited....Nic???), and the then pressing Holiday season with trips to both Nebraska and Wisconsin.

We look forward to the chaos and hope to keep in touch with everyone along the way!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Pics from NE


We hauled the girls to Nebraska for a few days this past week to have Mia's one month pictures taken in Fremont. Pictures seem to have been a huge success - Ella was great, giving Mia kisses and cuddling. We're all anxious to get the proofs and see our beautiful girls. Ella had a great time entertaining Great Nana and Big Papa, and Mia took to them quite well. Miss L's brightest moment of the day was showing off her unique bubble blowing technique whereby she sucks on the bubble wand, effectively coating her mouth with soap, and by humming "maaaaa-maaaaa" blows bubbles from her mouth.

Friday was a trip over to Southeast to visit my high school coaches and athletic staff - It was great to see everyone again (I'm sure Larsen regrets yelling at me as much as he did - he's quite nice to me these days) and we even got the added bonus of spending some time with Kara...who's awesome, but still a bit crazy.

We had breakfast with the fam on Saturday out at the lake. It was so great to see everyone. No one told me Myles was a chub!!! Which also means that no one has sent me a picture of the handsome boy since he was born... We always love hanging out with you all.

I got to run at the lake. It's so pretty out there - I tend to get lost in focus, but managed to remind myself a few times that I was in a beautiful place and needed to take it all in. All in all a pretty awesome few days.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Our "Labor" Day "Holiday"

I know we call it "labor" day to honor the workers of our nation, but I count it extremely oxymoronic that we aspire to spend Labor day doing exactly the opposite. For those of us with toddlers and other like aged children, we know the truth. There is no holiday. Chris told his dad last night he thought we'd just be "leisurely." Yeah right.
The girls and I missed church yesterday due to Ella forgetting that nighttime is for sleeping and the lot of us being in bed well after we needed to be on the road to make service. When Ella pleaded incessantly for Chris to "Play in the Playroom daddy!" he told me he wished we'd gone to church. Later, when she was generally displaying her ability to outlast the Energizer Bunny he implored me to let him work today. Sorry dude, all the offices are closed! :) And he thought we'd be leasurely.

We hit a wedding last night. With both girls. It sounds crazy I know, but when you let Ella take her shoes off and run to the dance floor it really isn't that bad! And apparanty it wore both of them out enough that we got a decent night's sleep! (Not good, but decent....I'll take it).

Under E's inspiration I'm thinking about entering a race. I haven't quite decided yet when I think I should aim for, and when I'm out running I tend to be adventerous and think I'm better than I am....upon finishing my run and gasping for breath (by the by, I haven't decided if running past the cemetary is a motivator "keep myself out of there" or if it's merely a convenience for when I drop dead on teh trail and they can just roll me off into a pit) I tend to think a race is a foolish idea. We'll see.

Big week for hte Hansen's this week - Miss Mia will make her first trip to Lincoln, and meet the extended fam - Brace yourself Mia Ann...they are all, in fact crazy.

It was great to see the Huskers rout Nevada...especially on the heels of the Michigan dissaster. Chris wasn't too broken up by it, but he is wearing a burnt orange shirt today!!!!