Monday, September 3, 2007

Our "Labor" Day "Holiday"

I know we call it "labor" day to honor the workers of our nation, but I count it extremely oxymoronic that we aspire to spend Labor day doing exactly the opposite. For those of us with toddlers and other like aged children, we know the truth. There is no holiday. Chris told his dad last night he thought we'd just be "leisurely." Yeah right.
The girls and I missed church yesterday due to Ella forgetting that nighttime is for sleeping and the lot of us being in bed well after we needed to be on the road to make service. When Ella pleaded incessantly for Chris to "Play in the Playroom daddy!" he told me he wished we'd gone to church. Later, when she was generally displaying her ability to outlast the Energizer Bunny he implored me to let him work today. Sorry dude, all the offices are closed! :) And he thought we'd be leasurely.

We hit a wedding last night. With both girls. It sounds crazy I know, but when you let Ella take her shoes off and run to the dance floor it really isn't that bad! And apparanty it wore both of them out enough that we got a decent night's sleep! (Not good, but decent....I'll take it).

Under E's inspiration I'm thinking about entering a race. I haven't quite decided yet when I think I should aim for, and when I'm out running I tend to be adventerous and think I'm better than I am....upon finishing my run and gasping for breath (by the by, I haven't decided if running past the cemetary is a motivator "keep myself out of there" or if it's merely a convenience for when I drop dead on teh trail and they can just roll me off into a pit) I tend to think a race is a foolish idea. We'll see.

Big week for hte Hansen's this week - Miss Mia will make her first trip to Lincoln, and meet the extended fam - Brace yourself Mia Ann...they are all, in fact crazy.

It was great to see the Huskers rout Nevada...especially on the heels of the Michigan dissaster. Chris wasn't too broken up by it, but he is wearing a burnt orange shirt today!!!!

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