Friday, September 14, 2007

Big Moments

Matthew James Tesdahl joined the realm of the (sort of) aware Thursday morning. Congrats Jim, Heidi and big sister Addie!!!!

In other monumental events, Mia slept almost 8 hours last night. I didn't get to sleep fro 8 hours straight, given the crying 2 year old at 1 o'clock, and Mia had a tough time going back to sleep after such a long nap - but I won't complain. I proud of my tiny baby, and besides, I got to watch the USA/Sweden Women's World Cup game. How is it that the only goal scored during the 45 minutes I watched occured in the 30 seconds it took me to walk Mia back to her crib after she fell asleep???

On the topic of sleep: My fabulous husband offered the other night to feed Mia in the middle of the night so I could string together a more than three hours of sleep. Sadly, Ella woke up with Mia and I had to get out of bed anyhow. Soon enough my time for uninterrupted sleep will come.
We're trying to eclipse the final hurdle that is potty training with Ella. We have affixed a sticker chart to her bathroom door on which she gets to pepper stickers anytime she uses the potty. At the end of the day if she's been accident-free she gets to pick a "big" sticker with which to decorate. The first two days warranted big stickers... She peed in the shower today...any suggestions on whether or not to count it an accident...I mean, George peed in the shower - "They're all pipes!!!" :)

Mia has started smiling - and while she isn't quite smiling "at" anything just yet, it makes me melt.

5 weeks have passed since Mia was born and I must say it's increadible having two kids. I won't lie...I was scared to death, not so much of handling them logistically, but I thought for sure there was no way I could be as enamored with another as I was with L...and I was afraid of what having a baby would do to my relationship with Ella. I have come to find that the blessing of having children doesn't increase summarily - rather it seems to be of more an exponential nature. Sure, the logistics and physical care is exhausting but the return is so much greater than I could have ever imagined. I have never been quite so aware of having something that I by no means deserve, but I'll take it. My little family, flawed as we may all be, is the most amazing thing ever. For sure I know I'm blessed.

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