Sunday, September 30, 2007

Suprise Calm

Another weekend down.

We had expected a travel weekend, but it turned out we spent most of it just hanging at home. Our trip to Nebraska and concurrent dinner was great. It was great to get to see everyone and it's fun watching the kids grow up. Seems like just yesterday we were greeting Hannah and now we've got a whole slew of them. They played together quite well....Ella was a bit of a madwoman, but it's to be expected from Ella. The full speed laps around the dinner table accompanied by top of her lung singing "YOUR BACKYARD FRIENDS THE BACKYARDIGANS!!!!" eventually fell into the background like white noise. Yeah right. Mia was an angel, she fussed a little, but mostly was content to rock/bounce/or otherwise be paid attention to. Thanks to Hannah and Megan for supplying the sticker books and complete entertainment for all the kids. We're still playing with even went to church with us today.

We had originally planned on staying at Mark and Ginger's Friday night and carting the girls back home on Saturday morning, but when we left the club at 10:30 decided we might as well just make the trek all at once. And while it may have been a poor choice, and I was admittedly getting tired on the last ten miles, it was worth it when we woke up in our own bed at 8:30 Saturday morning and could chill with the girls and watch TV.

Since we felt we had a "stolen" day on Saturday I decided to take my run a little farther and see how I did. It was nice to get out for a "long" run and spend some time with no kids screaming/crying/hollering in my ears. But true to form, I was missing them by the time I got back!

Tonight was a spontaneous invitation to dinner at the Tesdahl's. They grilled burgers (pork burger for those who wanted it) and Heidi made an awesome dessert. The girls played outside most of the time, and the backyard neighbor girl was kind enough to play with them so we could enjoy some adult conversation and tend to the babies. We ended up throwing the girls in the bath together over there and we're currently trying to convince Ella that our ignoring her means she should just go to sleep! :)

Hope you enjoyed the pics....we've got a nice quiet week planned that we're capping off with a visit from the Hansen's. We look forward to a good time with Granny and Grandpa.

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