Thursday, September 20, 2007

Holy Cow....6 Weeks!!!

Hard to believe it's been six weeks. I have to admit I was a bit nostalgic as I drove to Ames today - it was a little less hectic than last time, that's for sure! Mia is so awesome....still hasn't quite figured out how to sleep at night, but gives me at least one 4 hour stretch and usually another of 3 or 4. The occasional 6 ain't bad either!!!

We spent the morning making banana bread at Gramma Terri's house with Laney and Addie while Carson, Mia and Matthew slept, flailed or otherwise acted like the babies they are. It was such fun to watch the girls mash the bananas, attempt to mix and fill the loaf pans. The bread even came out pretty tasty! :) Heidi took some pictures and as soon as I get them from her I'll post them. I'm sure they're great.

Ella seems to have turned a corner in potty training. She's not completley there yet, but we're getting closer. She mostly takes herself to the bathroom...she's into "just leave me alone" and she closes the door. She told me yesterday "be right back mom" and calmly walked away. Mom: "Are you going to the bathroom"
Ella (as she looks over her shoulder at me): "Uh-huh"
Now if I could just get her to put her pants back on when she's done!!!

We have a quiet(?) weekend at home planned. Hopefully the girls will comply!

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