Friday, September 28, 2007

It's been a few days I know, but it's quiet now and I've got a few moments.
Since my last appearance I have officially joined the Webster City Running Club. And by "officially" I mean, I showed up and by "joined" I mean I ran. It's a group of what is currently guys (they've had a spattering of women in the past) who meet Tuesdays and Thursdays after work and on weekend mornings. It was good to have company on my run, and they pushed me up to the four mile mark. I'd been thinking I should try and push my milage out a bit and having people around me helped. My goal is to try and make it twice a week...once during the week and one weekend run. Then I can pepper in runs and indoor workouts in the middle and have a full workout regimine. Concerning this activity in my life I am putting out a call for workout music. If you have any good suggestions about what to put on my playlist please let me know!!!!

Mia has started smiling and cooing. She smiles just about any time she isn't fussy. And while she seems to me much more fussy than Ella was she really is a good baby. She's even thrown in a few "laughs" for me. She's holding her head up very well and will even push her chest up once in a while. When she's really determined to get her head up high when she's on her belly she throws her feet in the air too, arching her back and rocking, it cracks me up. The playmats have become interesting to her and she kicks and flails like crazy so long as the music is playing. Her most notable development, though, is her ability to forcefully crap. She lets out a grunt that rivals weightlifters. I laugh every time.

We're in Nebraska for an all-family Gifford dinner and pictures tonight in Fremont. Both of my mom's brothers, their kids and grandkids will all be present. It is a well deserved gathering for all of us, most specifically my grandparents, who are unbelievably healthy and proud of their family. We love you Great Nana and Big Papa.

Ella is having a great time - we played with Bergen both last night and this morning, it's always the highlight of Ella's trip. Papa taught her how to "climb" a will be posted upon our return home.

Most importantly, though, Grey's is back!!!!! God Bless Shonda Rhimes!


Esue said...

God bless Shonda Rimes...he loves her, he really truly loves her!

So, I did a miler yesterday. Felt really good. Every step I take this morning feels like I'm teetering on a snapped achilles tenden though. Oof. Also didn't get in my coffee until 1:30 yesterday afternoon and I'm still feeling the effects of that. Caffeine junky! Hope your runs are going well. You got some new tunes spinning?

My Two Kids said...

You did a "what" miler? Turns out you forgot the most important part! Only good tunes I can share are Alien Ant Farm Smooth Criminal (yes, that itself is criminal I know) and Barenaked Ladies Pinch Me. Ouch....this is why I request tuneage!