Thursday, September 20, 2007


Deutronomy 28: 1,2 Now it shall be, if you diligently obey the LORD your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you obey the LORD your God..." (from the New American Standard Bible)

I remind myself daily that the "diligently obeying the LORD" part was reconciled by Jesus, which is a startling and life directing realization. But do we all notice that these blessing (which the writer goes on to list) will not just be given to us but will "overtake" us? How great must a blessing be to "overtake?" I had myself an "overtaking" this evening. I run on a trail that is alongside a small creek that runs through town. After an evening in which I'd admitedly approaced the end of my rope with Ella (my apologies sweet peanut) I rounded the curve at the bottom of the hill to watch not one, but two deer galloping through a clearing. The second stopped and looked at me, less than 75 yards away, as David Crowder Band sang "Everything Glorious" in my ears. In that moment I was flooded with the realization of the blessings in my life that, if I let them, will overtake me. And I came to realize, Seth and Bill, why it is that we stand, binoculars pressed tightly to our eyes, watching the deer from the second story of the cabin as they graze through the field. Because in that moment we have a glimpse of God's creation as He sees it. The difference is that to God, WE, my friends, are the deer, and He looks with loving amazement upon us. Yes, Lord Jesus, Everything IS, in fact, Glorious.


Esue said...

Greatness. I see deer a lot when I run at Lejeune. Except for today. Today I saw two bright green snakes. You should have seen the stop in my tracks into immediate vertical leaps I performed while yelping, "God! Geez! Holy crap!!!" I almost beaconed forth the trinity, but not glad you are enjoying your runs.

My Two Kids said...

It's a full day later and I'm still laughing.