Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Program
We had a lot of quick videos of this....mostly broken up between songs. I thought these were the best two. It was terrible cute. Ella's been singing these songs around our house for a long time, so it was fun to see her do it on stage. Also...."Glory to God in the Highest, and On Earth Peace" didn't go nearly as well as it did at the kitchen table! Cute nontheless, but the video wasn't worth the post, mostly on account of she didn't do much! :)
Merry Christmas to all of you
Things I Didn't Know
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Since Thanksgiving Update
We've had a great holiday season. Chris nad I got to spend a few days alone immediately after Thanksiving as we left the girls with Granny and Grandpa on Saturday afternoon and headed back to the WC. We stopped and had a date in Waterloo, slept in on Sunday and just hung out. I, of course, took off and shopped, estatic to have a few moments of lonliness and clairty.
The girls were returned safely Monday night when Granny and Grandpa came in for a quick 18 hour visit and Grandparents day at preschool. Nana was also able to attend - and I'm sure Ella was thrilled to be able to show off her family to her preschool and her preschool to her family.
Since then I spent a night and day in Minneapolis with Leah and Emma (love you!) and Heidi, Meredith and I hosted our first (hopefully annual) mother/daughter Christmas tea! It was so fun. Hard to believe I'm getting to do one of the things that was so important to me growing up that my mom got to do for me. We had a blast. The little girls all in their little dresses, all pretty was a sight to behold. I am grateful to have such fantastic friends to both host and have a party with. Thanks to Heidi and Mere for amusing me nad going through with it (despite the ridiculous amount of time and effort you psent and the late decision to do it) and to all the moms who faithfully brought their beautiful little girls. I sometimes can't believe I'm all grown up and living my "own" live (which, you notice by the title of my blog actually mean's my kids' lives).
We've seen lots of Chris lately on account of the ridiculous amounts of snow and blizzards we've had. He's a phenomenal father and husband. A day doesn't go by that he dosen't encourage me to let him tend to the girls while I tend to me. I love him.
We're all geared up for Christmas. Since Ella can't read and Mia doesn't care I can share with you that I did in fact talk to santa (www.portablenorthpole.sympatico.msn.ca/home) and he's bringing the girls a dollhouse. Thank God....Ella SO needs a dollhouse - she thinks the snowbabies and nativity scene are toys....and she spends hours on end playing with them.
We have a light week preceding the holiday this week once we get through today. I've taken on a babysitting charge for the next month or so for a friend whose daycare is on vacation. I'm looking forward to it, it'll be fun to have new kids around....but it's just one day this week and that's all Chris is working too so the rest of the week festivities will abound!!!
The babies are great - as previously mentioned Ella is way into dolls nad pretend....and mia is rapidly developing a vocabulary (finally) - "again" is the newest addition, and while she doesn't use it quite as liberally as Ella did, I'm thinking we'll get there soon enough. Their new favorite game is chase whereby Mia takes something Ella wants and Ella chases her throughout the house while they both scream and laugh. Mia still seems unable to climb on ANYTHING...which I think is good since it means she's not perched precariously atop the tv or anything, but annoying that she can't get on the couch by herself. Ella is able to write her name....although it doesn't look like much. a vertical line with about fifteen horizontal lines shooting off from it....two other vertical lines and a circle with a "tail" (which is usually a tiny line on the top right "corner" of the circle that heads off in the same direction). And not necessarily in that order. Most often the "E" "L" "L" goes left to right but you never quite know where the "A" will wind up! :-)
Again my apologies to everyone for the lack of info lately. Have a very merry Christmas and maybe I'll get some new pictures up soon.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sometime around 3:30 pm I was sitting on my comfy chair tilted toward the fireplace, which was lightly warming my feet as I flipped through a magazine. The girls were happy as can b playing well if not destroying my house when Heidi called and asked if I would watch her kids for an hour or so while she got a massage (lucky bastard). I of course obliged and moments later Addie and Matthew were at my house under the guise that they would be entertaining my children while I continued reading my magazine and kept an eye out that all kids three and under were safe. What a farce... Heidi left Addie crying for a band aid for some unknown, too small to see injury to a finger. I told Ella and Addie they could help themselves to band aids if she really needed one....before Addie even had her band aid and was out of the bathroom Ella, in an attempt to squeeze between the dog and the fireplace was pressed up against the metal rim and burning her forearm. She's looking at me all frightened, eyes big as coins, and wondering what's just happened. We hoisted her up onto the counter, and I immediately began to question everything I know about first aid (which, in this situation, actually seems to be nothing!). I had no clue if I was supposed to douse it with water or leave it dry....cover or air it....warm or cold water....Vaseline or no Vaseline? I basically had no idea. I didn't figure the burn was too big of a deal, but I certainly didn't want to exacerbate it. Ella demanded a band aid (because they fix everything...duh!) and I finally resented, putting it on lightly enough that it didn't press into the wound. her arm was at this point mostly red with a white strip down the side about the size of the average band aid, the skin looked really thin and loose, much like a peeling sunburn. I was already making phone calls like mad...Grandma Terri (on account of her being a nurse, as well as having dealt with Delainey putting her hand palm down into a hot frying pan), my neighbor Jackie (nurse), Diane, Jill, Brenda....No answers all around. Before I could take any further action the babies, who have traveled to the basement are screaming, likely because they can't decide who should get to play with whatever particular toy (or decoration) they are playing with. Babies are fine, but Matthew is stinky....change diaper, Mia's mad I'm with Matthew so pic up Mia....Mia's stinky...change diaper.
I finally called the clinic in town....cover the wound, put some Vaseline on it if you want....at this point the burn is already mostly covered with a good few smiling Barbie band aids so we slapped a non stick gauze pad on it and held it on with four additional smiling faces. I skipped the vasaline on account of having to take the original band aids off to do so and generally trying to keep her freak out to a minimum. Call Ginger....."what do you think?" More so....what was I thinking....the poor girl has two sick kids of her own and is desperately trying to keep her baby girl in utero for as long as possible....she has enough stress in her life than to worry about what I should be doing with a wound I've already dealt with. So we chatted....that was nice! :) Off the phone, Mia pushes Matthew out of the way, he falls, bites his tongue - blood. Run downstairs for Popsicles for everyone (because that is obviously the best course of treatment for a bit tongue/lip/cheek/etc.). Have to feed the Popsicles to the babies on account of if they do it there is Popsicle all over my house. Still haven't spent more than a few moments with my Ella. Before we're done with Popsicles she tells me "my arm doesn't hurt anymore" and she's off and playing! She was fabulous tough. And Addie was a true friend if I've ever seen one. The little angel was so compassionate and caring I can't stand it. She sat beside her friend, was giving, quiet, loving. Went to get Ella's Special Blankie for her, brought her her juice, and generally cared for her pained friend. If only we as adults could do such a thing.
We're alright now...Ella didn't mention it all night....we went to tumbling and ran a few errands. Stopped at Meredith's to get the burn ointment they used on Lainey, and the only fuss Ella made was removing the Barbie band aids so we could apply said ointment. It is now wrapped in mediwrap so as to not have to do the tearing off of the band aid thing again. Jill tells me to keep an eye on it....clean it VERY GENTLY (thank GOD no scrubbing) and send her pictures so she can tell me exactly what she's already told me, but tell me after seeing the picture so I feel like it's more viable. I love her. :) But mostly we should be in the clear - Miss L slept all night, which surprised the heck out of me. I thought for sure she'd wake with her arm aching. What a trooper...
I promise to post the picture once Ella awakes and I am brave enough to clean it up and document the damage...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Visiting the Farm
We managed to squeeze in a Mia well visit with the greatest pediatrician on the planet. I'm told she's perfectly healthy and thriving. I'm not so sure Mia's gonna be the smart one, but I'm told this too is of no concern and that she's well on her way to an intelligent childhood if nothing else.
I don't have a ton of time to narrate the trip, but it was a great time. lots of soccer (ugh!), but mostly good times, good company, etc. Most importantly I was provided with a babysitter and got to go out. Wow. Did I ever enjoy that!
We're back to the daily grind now....Ella had Doughnuts with Dad this morning at preschool ("D" week). I'm sure it was great, but would hae been even better if I hadn't had to drag her out of bed moments before they had to leave! She was quite the sleepyhead. But dad said it was great...
Mia and Alleyna are playing fantasticly - they've becoming fast friends - save that Mia quite likes to sit in Alleyna's lap, and...well...we'll just say Alleyna is not such a fan!!! :) Good stuff though, we've gotten so that when she's not ere we do so miss her. Terri and Carson are on their way over for a baby playdate until the big girls get out of school. I love baby playdates...so differnt than the 3 year old play dates. Each moment is a gift...and I love each milestone, each stage and believe it or not all the growing that goes with it. Even if it does make me a bit crazy now and again. :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween - AKA Mia's Favorite Holiday
I wish that I had more time to write and tell stories, but it seems I'm spending my energies elsewhere these days...But a few anectedotes to hold you over...and of course the pictures to accompany.
A little over a week ago we frequented our local rec center for the Preschool Halloween Party. It is an indoor, game style trick-or-treat for the little ones whereby a successful (and by success I mean attempt) round of any variety of game results in a candy prize. Lots of fun. We followed up with lasagna and pumpkin carving at our house with Bargfredes and Tesdahls - Ella was NOT so into the pumpkin thing. SHe sure expected me to execute an acceptable jack-o-lantern, but for the most part wanted nothing to do with the process. Woudln't even stick her stinking hand in the pumpkin and help me gut it. Thanks kid.
Nana and Papa came in for actual Halloween...and an official indoctrination into what my daily life is like. We had ALleyna in the morning and Delainey adn Carson in the afternoon. It's a bit of a mad house around here most of the time, but I thrive on it and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Ella has discovered a new use for sidewalk chalk: if you soak it in water and mash it on the ground it turns into a pasty sort of paint that she likes to use to make hand and foot prints....Figured it out all of her own accord! Given the uncharastecitly warm (I will not say fantastic given my affinity for the cold) weather that is what we spent the greater part of the afternoon doing once the babies awoke from napping.
After outdoor activities we costumed all four kids and met Mere downtown for our "merchant trick-or-treat." The girls had full candy buckets by 4:00 in the afternoon. But let's not lie, that didn't stop us from taking advantage of the "neighborhood" trick-or-treat (that's right we have rules and regulations regarding our door-to-door greed sessions in this town) from 6-8. The girls had a great time, and were sufficiently pooped at the end of it all.
Mia has a few new tricks up her sleeves these days...she konws her nose, belly and toes, and can "jump" - the video really tells the story more accurately than I can convey it with words....She's not much for words though, mommy, daddy, occasionally we get "all-done" and she says night-night....we're working on "please" which at this point sound an awful lot like "me" on the off chance I get her to say it at all.
We leave for Texas in just five days....so looking forward to the trip and the stay at the ranch - if not dreading the immense ammounts of soccer we will be intaking. Aye aye aye.... :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Heidi is increadible and proved to be such....I had thrown her into a pace group she wasn't interested in running with but she hung on nonetheless. And seemed generally happy to do so. Didn't even complain too much about the hills she had to run even though she'd expressed a willingness to do it if need be but an obviously desire to avoid such a leg! After each exchange we all piled in Heidi's mom van and drove to the next transition area - it was an unbelievable experience to get to watch the marathoners come by at each five mile split nad to see these ladies who were running with me lay it all on the line for each other. we cheered for the other participants like they were our own family.
Leah was awesome....any of you out there who recall her first two mile attempt back in 1996 on the beaver trails behind campus need to call her and congratulate her because girl clocked an 8:15 mile out of the gate. Not only did she run an 8:15 mile....she piled 4 more on top of it. I have no hand in what she did, nor do I have a leg to stand on when I say - I haev never been so proud of a friend in mylife. Her effort was increadible....her will unshaken - she was committed, driven and the strongest woman I have met. What a display of will we saw in her.
Julie - one of my long run buddies who has pushed me to this crazy state of enjoying ten mile runs on Sunday mornings - posted a time she never thought she was capable of. It was great fun to watch her lament over the "short" race (these two race 10 and 13 milers most often and are marathon veterans themselves)...only to complete the race with a success far beyond her goal!
And Lori rocked it as we expected....she was picking people off left and right as she traveresed the final portion of the marathon course for us. We all met her with about 600-800 meters to go and ran in with her - finishing as one person...a group of five middle age-ish women with a gaggle of kids between us happy to have completed something together.
Come to find out we won! We were the first women's team, surpassed only by one professional men's team, six all men's teams and one co-ed team. We beat down the rest of the fifty team pack. :) Men, women, and combined.
It was my first marathon experience as a spectator and I can honestly say I've never witnessed something of such emotional stature as the marathon. The spectators, the families cheering, the general unity that is a pack of 8000 people running and thousands more rooting for them floored me. It is such an emotional upheval to complete such a feat. Maybe someday....for now I am content to run one fifth of it. Thanks a million times over to the ladies that competed with me and the tens of thousands there to witness it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Everyone doing well
We tripped to the nursing home on the 8th, we took Addie and had a few new friends in tow as well. It was fun to see the "new" kids respond to and interact with the residents, and we hope they'll continue to come along.
Yesterday was a fantastic day. Indoor park has begun, which is basically open gym for toddlers, and instead of basketball they play toys provided by the rec center. Grandma Terri was there with the kids as well as a few other friends. Nearly 45 minutes before close Terri was presented with an imminent reason to leave (potty for a non-public restroom three year old!) so she took D home and left Carson with us to finish out play time. As one might expect we then had lunch at and played for a bit at Grandma's house before coming home JUST long enough for Mia to nap and L to have some "quiet" time (not at all what I would call rest time by the way....) After nap it was right back to Grandma's to play outside. The babies are now big enough to follow the big girls around, and as it turns out Ella and Carson lead while Delainey and Mia follow. Poor Mia's little legs don't keep up very well but she does try her drandest! She even attempted rock wall climbing yesterday on Grandma's retaining wall....mildly unsuccessful on the most steepest of walls...but suprisingly capable on the most steplike portions of the wall. We went in for a warmup and the kids played marvelously while Grandma and I had coffee in the kitchen until both Cory and Meredith got home. Much fun.
We are a girls only house this week. Chris has for all intents and purposes been gone since Tuesday morning. He did make an appearance last night, but he wasn't home until after the girls and I had left for Wednesday night Church and was gone to fantasy football before we got home. The girls were, as one might expect, sleeping when he got home, but I did get to see him, which is of course always nice. He was out the door by 6:45 this morning, again missin the girls and won't be back until tomorrow night at which time he hopes for all of us to go the football game. I told him I can't promise anything but he can most likely take Ella. Mia and I may well be going to bed.
We've been just fine on our own, however, as Tuesday night was tumbling - to which the girls and I walked in the rain. I generally enjoy taking Ella to class mostly because I get to sit and chat with other adults while she is active under someone elses tenure for an hour. Not so when Mia is in tow. If only she could join the class....at least that what she seems to be wanting when she makes a break for the mats and kids at all possible moments! Can't complain about Tuesday morning either...Heidi graciously offered to watch Mia while I went for a run, and since I didn't get done in time for her to complete a good workout I walked both Mia and Matthew to preschool pickup (Addie's school is across the street from Ella's) while she ran there. They're coming over tonight for supper and likely split workouts again since Jim and Chris were considerate enough to schedule their out of town trips simultaneously and we've both been left to our own devices! Should be a fun night. I fully expect them to stay most of the evening and to leave bathed and in comfies ready for bed.
I am desperately anxious for the weekend. Our Marathon Relay is finally upon us! I leave for my "captains" meeting Saturday morning, meet Leah around noon and don't return until after the race Sunday morning. After a full week of single momming it I am quite looking forward to a full day on my own, and time to spend with Leah.
Hope everyone has a full and fun weekend planned. We are down to three weeks until we visit Texas....Can't wait!!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Recent Goings On
As a good portion of you have heard I finished that 13.1 mile atrocity a few days over 10 weeks pregnant. Without drawing it out, we found out today the pregnancy is over. We're doing alright. It's suprisingly simple for me, given the powerlessness and reality that I am experiencing. I did a darn good job for the first few hours. Chris is a saint, and has been taking care of the girls all afternoon. Home alone I realized I was unable to sit, and the cramping was debilitating either way so I chose to mow the lawn, mostly to have something to do. So I plugged in my iPod, picked the best (and consequently only) Christian Rock music I owned and cried my way through a few laps around my house. After that I was in pretty good shape, and oddly can find nothing in my soul that does not scream praises to God. In a time when I would expect myself to mourn, to question, to be furious with God for taking this child the only words I can find are those of awe and wonder. It would seem that for as tiny as this little person was in its last earthly moments, even then God had bigger plans for it than I could ever provide. And I can't help but to thank Him for loving my baby so much that He would draw him near so as to give it what God had planned for it, not what I had planned for it.
For I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Because this broken road
Prepares your will for me
Well I'm Broken-But I still see your face
Well you've spoken-pouring your words of grace
-Jeremy Camp
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Ella has really taken to preschool. She enjoys the teachers, sings me the songs they teach her and always has a good story to tell. She also keeps me updated on how many kids cry, how often and for how long. She seems to be quite the nurturer. Isn't terribly fond of sad kids. But the adventure has been fun. She's had a few worksheets to bring home and practice skill on which she is then allowed to return for a chance to get something from the treasure box! Such excitement. Chris has been able to take her a good few days, and was even able to do pick up once. She likes that. I try to get lunch made before pick up no matter who is bringing her home so when we get home we go straight to the table and get to talk about everything that went on. I love the stories, and I love that she's doing something new nad different, separate from me. I think we're both thriving because of it. I enjoy the time alone with Mia, or has been the case of late, with Mia nad whatever friend we have over. My little missy has become quite the reader....she oft finds a book, lugs it o mom and worms her way into my lap. Her attention span leaves something to be desired, however, as we usually only get through a page or two and she's throwing it down and going to get another. She's pretty much given up her moning nap altogether, which is fun cause we get to play and read books. She also likes very much helping me with chores. :)
We've been babysitting for a full week now. The first week was a little full, Alleyna is supposed to be here on Thursdays and then half days on Fridays but we had her this past Monday as well and until noon next Monday. We also watched Matthew on Tuesday this week, and had Addie on Wednesday so we could take her to the nursing home (more later)....so it's been a full week for kids...which I judge mostly by the number of sippy cups I wash. We much enjoy company and having friends around, but we're looking forward to next Tuesday and Wednesday when it's just us.
I have been approached about my willingness to coach the ninth grade girls basketball team this fall. Chris and I are currently in discussions regarding where this fits in this winter, and are checking into the length and vigorousness of the schedule, as well as the logistic possibilities for the kiddos. We're not sure yet if it sounds like a good opportunity and a lot of fun, or if maybe it's something that has come up at an inopportune time. We should have it figured out within a few days.
The half marathon training is going well. Except that I have discovered (actually Etta discovered) that I started the program a week early. So instead of two workouts and a taper left, I have one week and two workouts and a taper left. One week of stuff that I have to figure out on my own. If only I wasn't so anal I wouldn't be bothered by this. Because let's not lie, no one really cares if I do this "program" accurately or not. If I were a normal adult instead of myself I would just use it as a guide to help increase my milage and strengthen myself for the race. But since I'm not someone else I have run every bit of it exactly as it says, as if deviating will somehow be a failure.
As previously mentioned we did take the girls to the nursing home on Wednesday. It was a lot of fun and the girls were great. They are starting to really warm to the residents, many of whom are mostly unresponsive save a slight reach out to tough the girls. The girls have all taken to holding their hands, coloring wiht them, playing games wtih the residents nad even starting to talk to them a little. So far we have only done this with Addie and Lainey, but we plan to try adn make it a less inclusive activity, and hopefully one that a lot ofmoms and young kids can get involved in. I look forward to seeing how it develops.
Ella and I atteded the Wednesday night family programming at a local church that we have been attending last week. Ella in the Awana Puggles ("puggle preschool" as she likes to call it) and I in a Beth Moore Video bible study. It is something I think we both really enjoyed and will reap much from. They provide a nursery and given that it's Chris's fantasy football night we will likely be taking Miss Mia along with us. We were unable to make it this week since my dad was in town visiting on his way to work in the cities, but are hoping to make it a regular weekly occurance.
No huge plans for the weekend, we might catch a volleyball tourney tomorrow nad hopefully a chili supper wiht Cory and Meredith and the kids tomorrow evening. I have a few pictures, though I'm not sure where right now. Look back soon....maybe you'll see something.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Preschool Success!
Addie is over this afternoon, they went to the park for a while with Heidi and are now playing dress up (I broke down and bought a princess dress and a "ballet dress" - a leotard with a tutu) and pretend.
Chris is in KC for the day today, he had a lunch with some higher-ups to help direct the movement of the company. What an honor!
Girls night for me tonight...woo hoo!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Birthday Notes...
Mia is officially a forward facer in the car now! Her party was tons of fun...not quite the birthday weekend extravaganza that Ella had, this one was nice and tight, taking up only one day, but it was much fun nonetheless. We had family brunch in the morning (thanks Melanie for the fantastic sausage breakfast caserole recipe). Ella was absent, attending Lainey's "Princess" birthday party (notice the princess dress in the photos). It was fun to have all the attention on Mia. She ate it up. We had her neighborhood (nay, all city) birthday party that afternoon. She demolished the cake. It took her quite some time....she began by sticking her finger in the frosting and smearing it across her cest, graduated to doing the same with fistfulls of cake, then when someone stuck a fork in her hand she started eating. And didn't stop for upwards of an hour! She crumbled almost half of it before someone was thoughtful enough to turn it for her so she could attack the other half! Lots of fun anyhow.
Chris and I had our "vacation" that week while Nana stayed with the girls. She says they were good, as I assume they were. It wa much fun for me...a normal work trip for Chris, but I got to drink lots of coffee, watch lots of people and wander around all by myself. It was relaxing and envigorating. Thanks to everyone who made it possible. Mostly Merck and Co. and DeEtte.
Since returning we've been pretty normal. A few visits to the park in Ft. Dodge, and lots of friend time. Lainey and Ella had their first go at homemade edible playdough this morning. It was great. There seems to be an enhanced interested in something they've made themselves instead of merely unpacking it.
Ella had Back to School Night at Preschool. A chance to meet the teacher and check out the classroom. And for them to collect our money and papers and give us a few rules. Most of which I have to admit I didn't listen to due to the antsy, hungry, whiny baby I was holding (Mia). I think Ella'll love it. She certainly doesn't mind leaving mom behind to play with new kids and new toys.
Mia is walking full time now. Only crawls in the rare instances that she's already down and her desired destination is also low lying, or she's fervently chacing after Big Missy. It's funny to watch her go, and hard to believe just a little over a week ago she was still getting the hang of it.
Hope everyone who is back to work/school had a good summer. We're just bracing for the next onslaught of "stuff" around here. I'm up to ten plus miles at least once a week. My race is about five weeks away. I'm also signed up for the Des Moines Marathon Relay. It's a five man relay whereby the first four legs run five miles each and the anchor leg completes a 6.2 mile portion. I'm running with Heidi, the two other ladies I train with here in town and Leah. I'm way excited. And kudos to Leah for being able to do it. I'm impressed and inspired by your dedication adn committment. I'm sure you remember clearly the day you never thought you'd be able to run two miles. Cheers! I'm enjoying running, but I think I'll be glad when it's over and I can take it a little easier.
That's about it. Look for the preschool updates....should be interesting!
"Emerging" Thoughts
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The Pictures tell the Story
We took Addie to swim lessons last Friday...she was tons of fun and ws even brave enough to go off the high board. Not Ella, she stuck to thet low board. It was a blast to watch this little things way up there, just walk to the end and jump.
I took the girls to the Fort Dodge for the entire day yesterday. We started out just running a few errands, but wound up getting new swim suits so we could hit the new spash park, having dinner at Applebee's and rounded out the day with a stop at Target for pull-ups and new comfies cause I was right when I thought the girls would crash as soon as we got in the car. I carried both of them in like a load of bricks when we got home. It was a fantastic day.
The running thing is going well. I pounded out a ten-miler on Saturday. I've been able to surpass the milage on my training program, and am quite happy with the pace I'm running. Omaha here I come!
Chris and I got roped into golfing in a couples best shot Saturday. It was tons of fun. I'm not so sure how Chris felt about it, I'm sure he would have rather been fishing, but I much enjoyed all the company, and for a few hours spent away from the kids it was a darn good time. Oh....yes we are TERRIBLE golfers. Im pretty sure we had one of the worst scores on the course. But we enjoyed it.
Gearing up for Mia's birthday party this week. She's doing her best to not walk until after the big day, but I'm not so sure she'll be able to hold out. She's just such a darn fast crawler. She takes a good few steps when we encourage her, but has yet to walk just because. Lazy kid. It's increadible to me how different the girls are. I knew intellectually that they would be independent and likely very different people, but it seems that more and more I'm realizing now how vastly different they are. We love each part of both of them.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Code Yellow!
Mia's biggest news is that she seems to be officially off the boob. I had started to wean her last week, and discovered by mid week that I was pretty much making her nurse in the morning, which was our only time of the day. So I decided to let her lead and she was done by Friday. So we're three days out now and she had her first cup of cow's milk today. Seems to have taken to it much better than Ella. Thank God.
I realize it's been a while, but in my defense we were busy one week and I was sick the other. Granny and Grandpa did make it into town for the birthday celebration. And as promised I ws contently sleeping. As was, it turns out, Chris. They were welcomed by our 130 pound fierce guard dog. The one that woke neither of his owners, and made little or no sound in the welcoming. We had a good few days with them, enjoyed the pool, hit Applebees for dinner and even made some time to catch the "little zoo" in Fort Dodge. It's one of our favorite spots, and I'm glad we went cause I haven't made the effort to take the girls there this year. They hung around long enough on Monday for a quick lunch then headed back to Ray-town.
Ella has completed her first week of swim lessong (passed level one!) and is starting her second tomorrow. She took well to the lessons, nothing earth moving given that she's quite comfortable in the water, but it's fun to watch her try and float and tred water.
We spent last weekend in Racine for Jill Brown's wedding. It was fun to get to see lots of old friends, and spend some time with Scott and Heather too. Mia has taken to Scott like you wouldn't believe. It was a quick trip, and both Chris and I were feeling pretty crappy when we left Sunday morning, but it's well worth it and we enjoyed the trip and company.
Last week was a bit quieter. We hosted play group on Wednesday...outside games with slip-n-slide, pool with the whale slide and this cool rocket thing that shoots off the end of the hose that Hagedorn's brought down. Way cool. Everyone packed picnic lunches and the kids ate outside. It was a complete success. Measured mostly by the soaking wet kids and sand strewn about my yard!
We hit the fair on Friday. Didn't stay long, just a few rides and some animal visiting. The girls got closest to the pigs (ack!). Mia seems to love animals, and would have loved to spent more time oggling them!
Our weekend was mostly uneventful. Chris spent most of the day with L and Mia on Saturday while I ran some sidewalk chalk art contest and did some major landscape remodeling. We've finished loading our brand new, completely finished closet with all of our clothes. A feat that is helping me leep so much better at night!
Hope you're all doing well. We're gearing up for Mia's birthday in a few weeks, after which mom and dad are off to KC for a few days without the kids! I've never been so excited in my whole life!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
3 Years Old!!!
The party was tons of fun, the girls all looked so cozy in their comfies, and they all seeme dto enjoy decorating their teddy bear pancake with chocolate chips and m&m's just long enough to pick the candy off and eat it, only to repeat the process!
After the party we hit the pool again with Leah adn Emma for a while and sent them on their way. Nana and Papa treated us to a birthday dinner at Outback and we're now winding down, and mom is headed straight to bed. Granny and Grandpa are set to be in house when Ella (and mom) awake tomorrow. I told Chris I'm regretful that ther eis no possible way for me to maintain a state of wakening until they arrive tonight. I fear I will be sawing logs before 9:30 and they look to make their enterance sometime after the stroke of 12.
So far so good....the festivities continue tomorrow!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Too Many Words....

Chased and caught toads endlessly:

And finally stopped long enough to sleep:
Matthew and Mia did like they usually do and played happily so long as they got to be a part of the party:
Chris weight loss contest "ended." As can be expected the "bet" part of the whole thing fizzled out, but lots of boys lost lots of weight. Frosty can proudly say he's no longer obese! As can Chris and Seth, and Giff seems to have moved off the almost obese edge. Theres are millions of fat cells out there screaming for nourishment and these dedicated boys refuse to feed them! Chris and Seth both lots somewhere between 55 and 60 pounds, Giff nearly 30 and Frosty over 10 I think. I am so very grateful for the life change this has spurred in Chris. He's so much healthier now, and says he feels better now. He's looking forward to living an active lifestyl, not just workouts, but playing ball with the kids, family walks, canoeing, anything that requires effort and that he may not have been terribly comfortable at his prior weight. Sounds like lots of fun to me!
You can imagine we've not slowed much since returning from the lake. The remodling project was supposed to be completed on Wednesday, but when Shawn called down to the flooring company to pick up the remaning pallett of floor he found out it had been used for another job and was being reordered. Bummer. So we're left with a half floored bedroom, and no trim in either the bedroom or closet. The rest is complete though, and while I was hoping it would be done for our company and Ella's party this weekend it's not that big of a deal.
On Wednesday evening Addie and Delaiey both came to play with our mini water park in the backyard. Most fun was the slip-n-slide. Which the 3 year olds can't seem to figure out how to properly use so I pick them up and basically throw them down the thing! After Delainey went home we walked Addie back and shared some pizza before we left her there but Mia to bed and did some closet work. Ella fell asleep watching movies on Heidi's bed. I pawned the girls off to a Bailey Tesdahl yesterday and did some major cleaning and redecorating. I have no idea where we would be with that family.
Leah and Emma are coming to visit today, they should be here by noon. We have plans to swim until the girls are wrinkly and go to open gym at Ella's gymnastics club tonight. They should be plenty worn out to sleep until the party in the morning. Cartoons and pancakes in comfies for 5 three year olds! Sounds like fun to me!
Have a good weekend everyone. I'll try to ge party pics up as soon as I can. More importanly I'll try and be sure and TAKE party pics!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thanks, Coach
A few weeks back my college basketball coach, Lori Ulferts, retired from the profession of coaching. I can't say it was a suprise, she always told us when her own kids started getting involved in their own activities that she could hang up her whistle and follow them around, much as they had followed her during their early years. It took a good bit of time and maturity for me to realize how much Coach cared about us, and how much she was willing to do for us. But I can say now, of the woman who made a one day trip to Lincoln from St. Cloud for my wedding, that I am forever graterful to have been coached by her. I can think of no more worthy recipient of her time than her husband and two children. To them I say....thank you for sharing her with us.
Good Luck, Coach.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
You Put What??? Where???
Mom quick calls the doctor (the good ones, down in Texas of course). I actually called the direct access line Dianne gave me, and someone else answered. "Is Dianne available?" "She's not in right now." "Like out, out?" "Yes, out of the office." "Crap! This is Emily Hansen, we're up in Iowa, blah blah, insert story here." "blah blah, talk to the doctor...since it's bleeding you probably want to find a doctor, maybe you have family that knows a doctor..." "no, no, we live here...not visiting, I can go the the doctor if I need to." "Oh...you live there? Yeah, go ahead and take her in..."
So I take Ella, Mia and Addie to the doctor. All of us in swim suits, Ella with no shoes on. We're there five minutes, the PA looks up her nose says he'll be back. Ten mintues later I ask Ella to blow softly, and it's dissolved enough to come out. That's it...disaster avoided. We capped the adventure with the previously promised sno-cones. And everyone lived happily ever after.
The End.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Awesome Weekend
Friday night Chris and I left the girls under the care of the big kids at Tesdahl's and went wtih Jim and Heidi to the Japanese steakhouse in Ames. It was a great time, and was un to be alone fora night.
Saturday was the Raspberry festival here in town, we went for pancakes in the morning, then back in the evening for inflatable bounce houses and slides. We also managed to stay for fireworks at 10:30 (Mia fell asleep in the stroller). It was fun to take part in a local event, and the girls had a weeks worth of fun on the slide. It was windy, and rained intermittenly, but the nice cool weather was actually quite nice.
Yesterday I awoke to breakfast in bed (my husband loves me) - and chilled with Ella watching cartoons for a bit. I also managed to put a coat of primer and two coats of paint on the hallway wall, Chris mowed, we cleaned my car, took the girls to the park and the pool and went for a family walk in the evening. Not bad if you ask me. I finished out the weekend sitting on the swing we got Chris for father's day and assembled on Saturday. Fantastic.
This morning I've run nearly four miles and am listening to Chris and Mia have breakfast. It's 6:05 and I was hoping she'd at least sleep long enough for me to get a few loads of laundry going, but alas....she doesn't seem to care about dirty clothes!